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Schlesinger Library Fellowship Programs 2020-2021, USA

Publish Date: Dec 09, 2019

Deadline: Dec 09, 2019


The Schlesinger Library invites Harvard undergraduates to apply for a Carol K. Pforzheimer Student Fellowship to support research in the library's collections. Fellowships of up to $2,500 will be awarded on a competitive basis. Pforzheimer Fellows will become part of a research cohort and will receive mentoring and research support from Schlesinger Library. The fellowships support independent research projects as well as projects for academic credit, such as a senior thesis or a seminar paper.

Applications for 2020–2021 funding are currently being accepted. The deadline for submission is February 28, 2020. 

Application Information
View an example of a successful Pforzhiemer Fellowship proposal

Apply now via our online application. Candidates must apply online for all Schlesinger Library Grant offerings.

Contact slgrants@radcliffe.harvard.edu


The Schlesinger Library invites scholars and other serious researchers at any career stage beyond graduate school to apply for support for their work in our collections. Grants of up to $3,000 will be given on a competitive basis. Applicants must have a doctoral degree or equivalent research and writing experience. Priority will be given to those who have demonstrated research productivity and whose projects require use of materials available only at the Schlesinger Library. The awards may be used to cover travel and living expenses, photocopies or other reproductions, and other incidental research expenses, but not for the purchase of equipment or travel to other sites for research.

Applications for 2020–2021 funding are currently being accepted. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2020. 

Application Information

View an example of a successful Research Support Grant proposal

Apply now via our online application. Candidates must apply online for all Schlesinger Library Grant offerings.

Contact slgrants@radcliffe.harvard.edu


The Schlesinger Library invites secondary school teachers to apply for support for research in our collections connected to their work in the classroom. Grants of up to $3,000 will be given on a competitive basis. Priority will be given to those who have demonstrated innovative pedagogy in social studies and history, and whose proposals make a compelling case about the ways materials available only at the Schlesinger Library will be incorporated into the applicant’s curriculum plans. The awards may be used to cover travel and living expenses, photocopies or other reproductions, and other incidental research expenses, but not for the purchase of equipment or travel to other sites for research.

Applications for 2020–2021 funding are currently being accepted. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2020.

Application Information

View a successful Teaching Support Grant proposal

Apply now via our online application. Candidates must apply online for all Schlesinger Library Grant offerings.

Contact slgrants@radcliffe.harvard.edu


The Schlesinger Library invites predoctoral scholars whose dissertation research requires use of the library's collections to apply for research support. Grants of up to $3,000 will be given on a competitive basis. Applicants must have advanced to candidacy in a doctoral program in a relevant field and have an approved dissertation topic. Priority will be given to those whose projects require use of materials available only at the Schlesinger Library. The awards may be used to cover travel and living expenses, photocopies or other reproductions, and other incidental research expenses, but not for the purchase of equipment or travel to other sites for research.

Applications for 2020–2021 funding are currently being accepted. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2020.

Application Information

View a successful Dissertation Grant proposal

Apply now via our online application. Candidates must apply online for all Schlesinger Library Grant offerings.

Contact slgrants@radcliffe.harvard.edu


The Schlesinger Library invites scholars who are conducting oral history interviews relevant to the history of women or gender in the United States to apply for support of up to $3,000.

This grant stipulates that the interviews take place in accordance with guidelines of the Oral History Association, that consent is obtained from interviewees for their words to be viewed by researchers worldwide, and that true copies or transcripts of the original recording of the oral interviews, as well as copies of the consent forms, be deposited in the Schlesinger Library upon completion.

Applications for 2020–2021 funding are currently being accepted. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2020.

Application Information
View a successful Oral History Grant proposal

Apply now via our online application. Candidates must apply online for all Schlesinger Library Grant offerings.

Contact slgrants@radcliffe.harvard.edu


The New England Regional Fellowship Consortium offers grants to encourage projects that draw on the resources of 18 major cultural agencies, including Schlesinger Library.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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United States