Gonville & Caius College Research Fellowship Competition 2018, University of Cambridge, UK

Publish Date: Sep 07, 2017

Deadline: Sep 29, 2017

Research Fellowship Competition

Research Fellowships are awarded to men or women judged to be the most able with an exceptionally strong academic record who have demonstrated outstanding capacity to conduct original and innovative doctoral research in science or the humanities. Those to whom Research Fellowships are awarded are about to complete or have just completed a PhD thesis or the equivalent. The College entertains applications in all academic disciplines.

The application process for the Research Fellowship Competition to commence in October 2018 is now open - applications must be submitted by Friday 29 September 2017.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Application for a Research Fellowship is open to men and women in any academic discipline in Arts and Sciences.
  • To be eligible for a Research Fellowship you must pass the following eligibility requirements:
    Either you are a graduate student, probably in the latter stages of your research leading to a PhD Degree
    You are a research student or post-doctoral researcher who has recently submitted your PhD thesis; this should be no earlier than 30 September 2016 for Arts candidates and no earlier than 30 September 2015 for Science candidates. Note: this is the date of your first submission, not the date of examination, award of the degree, or the submission of a revised version of the thesis.
  • The College would like to make it clear that it welcomes applications from eligible candidates who are applying for or have already been appointed to a salaried post-doctoral position in a laboratory or department in Cambridge. Such persons appointed to Research Fellowships would be entitled to all the benefits of a Research Fellow apart from the stipend.
  • Please view the Eligibility Requirements for further details.
  • Statements of research are required and should be not more than 2,000 words, outlining their current and proposed future research. Please note that the statement will be read by people outside as well as inside the candidate's own discipline and should therefore be intelligible to scholars in other subjects.
  • Applications, including two referees' reports, must be submitted online by 5.00pm on Friday 29th September 2017.

Written Work

  • Full submission of written work in support of the application is required at the time of application.
  • Submitted work should be written in English apart from quotations, or the necessary part of text editions.
  • At a latter stage short-listed science candidates may be asked to provide a statement from their proposed Head of Department confirming that adequate finance and facilities are available. In cases where short-listed candidates are not already in contact with the Department, the College will provide assistance in contacting the Head of Department.

Fellowship Details

  • The current stipend of a Research Fellow who has no other emoluments except College teaching is £20,628 p.a., rising by three annual increments to £23,142 p.a. Assistance with housing is given to non-resident Research Fellows. Reimbursement of certain research expenses totalling up to £1,000 p.a. will also be available.
  • The stipend of Research Fellows who are in receipt of financial support from other sources will be by arrangement according to individual circumstances. Research Fellows may join the University's Superannuation Scheme.
  • A Research Fellow will receive the normal privileges of a Fellow, including the provision of rooms and some meals. Reimbursement of certain research expenses will also be available.

Application Timetable

  • The application process begins on Friday 1st September 2017.
  • Applications and two reports from independent referees, both of whom should be familiar with the candidate's research work, must be submitted through the web site, and received by the College by 5.00pm on Friday 29th September 2017. One of these referees should normally be the supervisor. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  • Interviews for short listed candidates will be held in the College on 12 January 2018.
  • Fellowships will be tenable for four years from 1 October 2018.

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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