Global Forum on Youth Peace and Security, 21-22 August 2015, Jordan

Publish Date: May 14, 2015

Deadline: May 17, 2015

Event Dates: from Aug 21, 2015 12:00 to Aug 22, 2015 12:00

The Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security will be hosted on the 21st and 22nd of August 2015 by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The Forum is envisaged as a turning point towards a new international agenda on youth, peace and security. Stemming from the thematic debate organized by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during its presidency of the Security Council in April 2015, it will build on on-going efforts by a multiplicity of actors to decisively step-up global attention to young people’s contribution to peace and chart a common agenda. For the first gathering of this kind, young people, youth-led organizations, non-governmental organizations, governments and UN entities will come together to agree on a common vision and roadmap to partner with young people in preventing conflict, countering violent extremism and building lasting peace.

Welcome to the application page for the Global Forum on Youth Peace and Security.

Please note: The entire Forum will be translated into Arabic, English and French. Click here to apply in English. Click here to apply in Arabic. Click here to apply in French.

Please note: this call is for youth participants only. Information for interested participants representing governments, international organizations, non-youth civil society, academia, media etc. will be available at a later date.


The Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security, hosted in Amman, Jordan on 21-22 August 2015, will bring together young people, youth-led organizations, non-governmental organizations, governments and UN entities to agree on a common vision and roadmap to partner with young people in preventing conflict, countering violent extremism and building lasting peace. For more information on the Forum, host organization, topics, and anticipated outcomes of the Forum, visit:


The Forum will last for two days and consist of two segments: a high-level policy segment during which participants will discuss key policy recommendations towards a new international agenda on youth, peace and security and a technical segment, dedicated to exchange of experiences and best practices. Topics include: youth leadership, governance and participation, post-conflict planning and financing, media and community, young women and shaping peace.

Half of the participants in the Forum will be young people.


Selection Process: Participants will be selected on the basis of motivation and experience. The organizers will ensure balance in terms of age, gender, geography and diversity among selected participants. The majority of selected participants will represent an organization and come from communities or countries affected by conflict, going through a post-conflict process or facing widespread violence.

  • The travel, visa and accommodation of select youth participants will be covered.  Once successful applications are selected, the Forum planning committee will be in touch to confirm who has been selected to be sponsored. Please note: No additional application is needed for sponsorship inquiries.

Age: youth participants should be between 15-35 years of age.

Experience and Leadership:  youth participants must demonstrate leadership in peacebuilding, reducing violence or countering extremism through examples of initiatives they have undertaken at the community or policy level in countries in conflict, post-conflict or with widespread violence.

Networks: youth participants must be members of or affiliated with a youth-led organization, network or movement or they must be able to demonstrate how they can disseminate the outcomes of the meeting to a wider network.

Commitment: youth participants must demonstrate commitment to nonviolence, peaceful and inclusive societies, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter, Aims and Purposes of the United Nations.

Language:  youth participants must have an understanding of English, French or Arabic. All applications must be submitted in English, French or Arabic. Interpretation between English, Arabic and French will be provided during the Forum.


Scholarships for travel & participation: the travel, visa and accommodation of select youth participants will be covered.  Once successful applications are selected, the Forum planning committee will be in touch to confirm who has been selected to be sponsored. No additional application is needed for sponsorship inquiries.

Arrival and travel: Participants are expected to arrive August 20 and to depart August 23. All participants must fly into Queen Alia International Airport in Amman, Jordan.

Diversity: We are committed to ensuring diversity of age, region, gender and sexuality, race, culture, ethnicity, socio-economic and religious/non-religious backgrounds. We are committed to ensuring equal access for youth participants with disabilities. All venues will be equipped with wheelchair access.


All applications must be received in full 17 May 2015 by 10:00pm EST (NYC time).The deadline for applications is 17 May2015. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.


  • English Application: click here
  • French Application: click here
  • Arabic Application: click here


For Frequently Asked Questions, please click here.

Key Themes and Panel

The Forum will engage participants in conversations on key policy recommendations towards a new international agenda on youth, peace and security which will be captured in a final Declaration. This forum will provide a platform for exchange of experiences, innovative ideas and programmatic frameworks that work. and best programmatic practices. Key topics will include:

Please stay tuned for an updated format and topics.

Putting Young People at the Centre
  • Young people’s participation: an untapped resource for political stability and economic prosperity
  • Young people’s resilience: stories from conflict-affected zones
  • Youth leadership, engagement and organizing
  • Young women shaping peace
Speech and Counter Speech
  • Religion/inter-religious speech and counter speech
  • The role of young people in countering violent extremism
  • Media and Communication
The Role of State and the International Community
  • Investing in youth capacities for peace and stability
  • Post-conflict planning and financing
  • Governance and participation

The driving principle for the full duration of this Forum will be to create the space for meaningful intergenerational dialogue: it will create the conditions for common understanding and respect between generations and increase dialogue and cooperation between young people and adults to work together to prevent and resolve violence, extremism and conflict locally, regionally and internationally.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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