German Marshall Fund of the United States Urban and Regional Policy Fellowship

Publish Date: May 27, 2016

Deadline: Jun 17, 2016

Urban and Regional Policy Fellowship

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is pleased to grant three travel fellowships this year through its Urban and Regional Policy program, which focuses on the policy issues and challenges common to metropolitan regions and communities in the United States and Europe.

Urban and Regional Policy Fellowships provide opportunities for practitioners and policy-makers working on economic, environmental, and social challenges at the urban and regional levels to meet with their counterparts across the Atlantic and examine policies that have been successfully implemented to address similar needs. Fellowships will introduce policy leaders to innovative strategies and equip them with the information, tools, and connections necessary to implement them. Fellows travel for short-term (3-5 weeks) research periods, with the goal of returning to their work equipped with the ideas and insights necessary to effect significant and lasting change in their own communities. The fellowship travel period will be between October 2016 and August 2017.

Please review the detailed program information and pre-application instructions for further information on the 2016-2017 theme, eligibility criteria, and fellowship requirements. 

Who Should Apply

GMF welcomes applications from U.S. or European mid-career professionals with an interest in gaining an understanding of how similar urban and regional challenges are approached in a policy context other than their own and an ability to translate lessons learned into policy action. Applicants must be policymakers or practitioners in state or local government, leaders from the private sector, or representatives of non-profit and policy organizations and have at least seven years of experience in their field.

How to Apply

After reviewing the instructions, applicants may submit a pre-application using the link below. The deadline for submission of pre-applications is June 17, 2016. Successful pre-applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal.  Final selection and award will be made on or before September 26, 2016.

Submit pre-application

For additional information, see our FAQ or contact Christoph Schmid, operations coordinator at the Urban and Regional Policy Program (

Major funding for the fellowship program is provided by the Compagnia di San Paolo and the Bank of America Foundation.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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