's FotoSelfie Competition

Publish Date: May 06, 2016

Deadline: Sep 05, 2016

But first let me take a selfie!

A selfie – something that used to be known as a “self-portrait” – is simply including yourself in an image. We all feel the need to take a picture of ourselves at places we visit. Just photographing the location is not enough; by including ourselves we prove that we were there. Participate in this FotoSelfie contest by uploading your most original and creative selfie.

Legitimization to take part

• For technical reasons the participants of the contest will have to be registered in Blipoint.
• Only premium members are able to take part in the contest. Members using our free version cannot participate.
• If you are already registered in blipoint, select “my galleries” within your profile and begin as a Premium. Create your image galleries and participate in this contest.
• They can participate people major of 18 years old and people under 18 who are relying on express authorization of their parents or legal representatives, and once they are known and accepted by the participant the conditions of registration, protection of information, intellectual property, and all those other conditions that, with general character, should be additionally considered necessary for the participation of the users in Blipoint.


Open to only premium members of Blipoint, 18+.


  • First: 1,000 € in cash
  • Second: A professional SLR Canon EOS M3
  • Third: A backpack for professional photographers

Each contestant can publish up to a maximum of a gallery of two images.Online submission of digital photographs via the website.

Image requirements

Only digital images will be accepted, and they must not be larger than 1.5 megas, and in jpg format.

More Information

Each contestant can publish up to a maximum of a gallery of (2) two images. Any technique may be used. Photographs, collages, paintings, illustrations, or mixed format techniques can be submitted. Images that have been awarded a prize or simply participated in previous Blipoint contests will not be accepted. With the sending of the image, you confirm automatically that you own the author’s copyright and that your images are free of rights to third persons.

You will preserve the entire author’s copyright and other rights that you already possess in relation with the images that you publish in Blipoint. On having sent, having published or having shown these contents, you will grant to Blipoint a perpetual, irrevocable, world-wide, exempt license of royalties and not sole right to reproduce, to adapt, to modify, to translate, to publish and to distribute the contents that you send, publish or show through Blipoint. This license has, as a merely purpose, to allow Blipoint to show, to distribute and to promote its services.

On the present bases, you accept that no commentary or other information that you provide to Blipoint will violate any personal right or any property right of any third one (including, without limitation, the author’s copyright and brand rights). Also, you accept that no commentary or other information that you provide to Blipoint will be slanderous, obscene, harassing, improper or illegal, and that you remain as the only responsible for the contents of any commentary or other information that you provide to Blipoint.


You can send any questions or doubts you may have regarding this contest to:


This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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