Festival of Ethical Photography NGO Contest

Publish Date: May 06, 2016

Deadline: Jun 07, 2016

The Festival of Ethical Photography opens a “Call for Entry” dedicated to NGOs, humanitarian organisations and voluntary associations, with the goal to select photographic works to be exhibited in a themed area called ”NGOs Area”.

Since its first year, the Festival of Ethical Photography has always given particular attention to the use of photography by those organisations that deal with social issues. The main objective is getting the audience closer to ethical content by using photography as a communication and learning tool. The NGOs Area is a special section of the Festival reserved for the presentation of photographic works commissioned to photographers by non-profit organisations.


Open to all NGOs, humanitarian organisations and voluntary associations that use the language of photography as a tool to communicate, investigate, and reflect.

How to participate

  • Participation is open to all NGOs, humanitarian organisations and voluntary associations (hereafter as NGOs) that use the language of photography as a tool to communicate, investigate, and reflect. As submission is only for NGOs, only work presented by the NGO itself as the commissioner will be considered.
  • It is not necessary for the work to be unpublished.
  • More than one submission is permitted.

The reportage must be sent using the form available in the NGO section of the website of the Festival, through the link available at the bottom of the page.
The form must be filled in with all the required information.

All the files of a project must be sent in a unique compressed archive in .zip, .rar or .7z format with a maximum size of 25MB. The archive’s file must be the title of the project. Heavier archives or archives in a different format than the ones allowed will not be uploaded by the system.


The file should include:

  1. Ten to twenty digital images in numerical order, JPG format. The pictures sent must represent the work.
  2. A text document with a description of the project no longer than 3,000 characters (including spaces), the title of the project, a description of the work and captions, if there are any, for every picture (the captions must have the same numerical order as the pictures and the thumbnail of the pictures it refers to).
  3. A text document with a description of the NGO submitting the entry (max 2,000 characters including spaces) and the biography of the author/s (max 2,000 characters including spaces) must also be included. The material can be provided in English or Italian.
  4. A text document in .doc, .rft or .pdf format that includes the technical information of the exhibition (dimension of the prints, material, particular instructions about the set-up).

The organizational team of the Festival may ask the NGO to resubmit a different edit, for example one that includes more pictures than the one initially provided. By sending the submission, the NGO declares to own the rights of it and to be authorized to use all images of the people eventually present in it. The participant takes full responsibility of using the pictures sent to the award. The rights of the photographs will remain the author’s work.

Entry fee

There is no entry fee.

Entry deadline

Submissions must be sent by June 7th, 2016 no later than 23:59 CET (Central European Time).

More Details

The projects will be evaluated and selected by the organizational team of the Festival and the decision is final. The number of works selected will depend on the needs of the Festival program. The projects sent must be completed and printed by the NGO. All the material needed to set up the exhibition must be made available to the organizational team of the Festival no later than September 1st,  2016. All the material will be returned. The costs related to shipments will be paid by the NGO.

The selected NGOs must be present at the Festival with a representative and with the photographer of the reportage in order to present the exhibition during the 2016 Festival,  which will be held in October 2016. The exact date of the presentation will be decided together with the organizational team of the Festival. The travel and hotel expenses for one representative of the NGO and for the photographer will be covered by the Festival organization.

Participation in the “Call for Entry” authorizes the Festival of Ethical Photography to use the images of the selected works for the promotion of the Festival this year and in further years of the Festival and accepts the publication of the works on the website of the Festival of Ethical Photography and other communication channels such as media publications, social networks and more, in addition to the catalogue of the Festival. The photographer will always be credited.

All the NGOs participating to this Call for Entry will receive communication no later than July 15th, 2016 with the outcome of the selection.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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