Transkaukazja with Kultur Aktiv as it German partner would like to invite contemporary artists from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to take part in the next edition of Transkaukazja in Germany under the theme “Art as the Key to Freedom”. From 10 – 22 September 2015 the selected artists will collaborate in five different locations in Saxony/DE.
The current open call is addressed to artists active in the fields of video, performance, textual, visual and other art forms. Participants should present a project which they already have focused upon, but which still has room for further development at a high artistic level. The project should have an interactive dimension that can be shared with audiences and local artists in Germany and it should address this year’s theme. During their stay in Germany, artists should be ready to develop their work from one location to another and to demonstrate this progress on a special wall newspaper («стенная газета») that will travel with them to all the
How to apply:
Apply online at! Register here and present your project online on this website (section ACTION) with a short introduction of your work. As part of your application, you must reply to the following questions (in 2-3 sentences per question):
o Describe a situation in which you had to engage in self-censorship.
o Describe a situation at home where you encountered external censorship.
o What is your idea of censorship in Germany?
o What materials do you need to present your artwork? What are your technical requirements?
You can add photos to or embed films and sound clips in your application. Deadline is 31.07.2015!
We cover the costs of visas and international travel (max. 500 EUR), accommodation. We provide a per diem in Germany and an honorarium of 200 EUR to each artist.
If you have further questions please contact!
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: