Exhibition - The NordArt 2016, 04 June – 09 October 2016, Germany

Publish Date: Sep 18, 2015

Deadline: Dec 15, 2015

Event Dates: from Jun 04, 2016 12:00 to Oct 09, 2016 12:00

The artists

Open call for artists for the NordArt 2016

Kunstwerk Carlshütte is a non-profit cultural initiative and organises the NordArt, an annual international exhibition of visual arts from June to the beginning of October. NordArt is one of the largest juried exhibition of contemporary art in Europe, representing all facets of visual arts. Against the striking backdrop of the former foundry Carlshütte, Chief curator and artist Wolfgang Gramm creates an all-encompassing piece of art each year, composed of works by some 250 selected artists from all over the world. Nearly 3000 artists from 99 countries have applied for NordArt 2015.

Exhibition area:

The old foundry building in the Carlshütte (22,000 sqm), ACO Wagenremise (400 sqm), a 80,000 square metre sculpture park, as well as public spaces in the town. For an impression of the exhibition site visit the virtual tour.

Application for Participation:

The deadline for applications is 15 December 2015
The application for participation in the NordArt is preferably online.
Alternatively, applications can be submitted by post or by e-mail.

Online application in 3 steps:

1. Fill text fields with personal data and upload CV (Word or PDF file).
2. Select field (painting, sculpture, installation, photo, etc.). Multiple selection possible.
If you are applying also for the NordArt Symposium in May, please select „yes“ and upload the description of the project (Word or PDF file). Find below information about the NordArt-Symposium.
3. Upload images of artworks, which could be shown at the NordArt: up to 10 files (1 MB max single file, formats:. JPG, GIF, PNG, PDF), fill text fields with information. Field „web link“: link for video work or image file.

After the „submit“ a confirmation of entry is sent to your email address automatically. All personal data from your application will be used only for internal purposes and will not be provided to third parties.

Alternative: Application documents by post or by E-Mail:

1. Application form
2. Artist’s CV
3. Photos of approx. 10 works, which could be shown at NordArt. Please label all photos with the title, year of origin, technique, and size. Optional documents: own catalogues. Works for the NordArt can be marked in the catalog. Please do not send any originals.
The return of application documents is not possible.
Please send the documents by 15 December 2015 at the latest (postmark)
Postal Address: NordArt office, Kanalblick 26, 24814 Sehestedt, Germany

E-Mail: application@kunstwerk-carlshuette.de

Selection of artists:

Selection of artists takes place by the end of February 2016 by a jury. The jury is made up of curators, artists, an art historian, and the supervisory board and management. A list of the invited artists will be published online on our homepage by the beginning of March 2016. Additionally all invited artists will be informed via E-Mail or post and asked to confirm their participation and to send the documents for the catalogue. Thank you for your understanding that those artists who will not be invited for the NordArt 2016 will not be informed separately.

Delivery address and other information:

The works selected by the jury must be delivered to the following address:
Kunstwerk Carlshütte, Vorwerksallee, 24782 Büdelsdorf, Germany, until the 23 of April 2016 (early delivery possible with the prior approval of the organisers).
Transport costs are covered by the artist. We will be happy to help to organise shared transport arrangements. All of the delivered works will be insured subject to the general insurance conditions from the time of delivery to the time of collection. There are no registration fees. Installation of art works is made by the team of NordArt (Exceptional cases installation by artist).
The exhibited works can be offered for sale. We will pass on the details of potential buyer. The exhibited works remain at NordArt until the end of the exhibition. The Kunstwerk Carlshütte is a non-profit organisation and does not charge any commission.

NordArt Catalogue:

A catalogue in DIN A4 format (29,7 cm x 21 cm), in German/English, is produced for the exhibition with one page per artist. The digital photos and text on each of the participating artists is requested when the jury’s invitation is sent out and must be supplied by E-Mail within 10 days. Please refer to the following link for examples: www.nordart.de/die-kuenstler.html All participating artists receive a free copy of the catalogue.

Opening ceremony and general opening times:

Opening ceremony: Saturday 4 June 2016, 5 pm
Opening times: till 9 October 2016, Tuesday to Sunday 11 am – 7 pm

The NordArt-Prize worth 10.000 Euro is being sponsored by Hans-Julius and Johanna Ahlmann (ACO Group) since 2010. Each year one artist is awarded with the aim to support the art and culture scene. The awardee will be announced during "The Long Night of the Lights" in September and is invited to participate again in the following NordArt. The award ceremony will then take place at the opening of the following NordArt.

Public Choice Award:
The visitors of the NordArt can vote for their favourite artist. The Public Choice Award will be awarded during "The Long Night of the Lights" in mid-September. All votes will be counted in the week before the announcement. The three winning artists will be informed and invited to the prize-giving ceremony. Each award is worth 1.000 Euro. The three winners are invited to participate again in next years NordArt.

Each year the exhibition is preceded by the international NordArt Symposium. Approximately 10 artists are invited to attend the symposium and create large works (sculpture, installation, painting) for the current NordArt. The participants of the symposium are provided with materials, a workplace, accommodation, food and travel cost support. The work created remains the property of the artist and will be exhibited at NordArt for at least 2 years. If you wish to attend the symposium, please mark the "Symposium" box in the application form. For this application we require a project description with details on the materials and dimensions, estimated time required, photos with examples of works.

Online Application

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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