ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellowship Programme for International Fellows, 2015

Publish Date: Apr 08, 2015

Deadline: Apr 30, 2015

Applications are invited for ERCIM Fellowship Programme available for PhD holders from all over the world. The fellows are appointed for 12 months either by a stipend or a working contract. For the entire period of 12 months, the fellow will receive a monthly allowance or salary (depending on the type of contract) which may vary depending on the country. Costs for travelling to and from the institutes will be paid under conditions determined by the contract. Fellows are hosted in leading European Research Institutes. Fellows have to spend at least a one-week visit to another ERCIM member institute. 

This is a 12 months fellowship programme.

Scholarship Provider: European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) supported by the FP7 Marie Curie Actions – People, Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes (COFUND) of the European Commission
Scholarship can be taken at: European Research Institutes



Applicants must have:

-have obtained a PhD degree during the last 8 years (prior to the application deadline) or be in the last year of the thesis work with an outstanding academic record
-be fluent in English
-be discharged or get deferment from military service
-the fellowship is restricted to two terms (one reselection possible)
-have completed the PhD before starting the grant (a proof will be requested before your arrival).
-We encourage not only researchers from academic institutions to apply, but also scientists working in industry.
-In order to encourage mobility: a member institute will not be eligible to host a candidate of the same nationality; a candidate cannot be hosted by a member institute, if by the start of the fellowship, he or she has already been working for this institute (including phd or postdoc studies) for a total of 6 months or more, during the last 3 years.



ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, offers fellowships for PhD holders from all over the world, Topics cover most disciplines in Computer Science, Information Technology, and Applied Mathematics. The topics focus on the ERCIM institutes’ scientific fields of competence. The “ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellowship Programme” was supported by the FP7 Marie Curie Actions – People, Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes (COFUND) of the European Commission. More than 150 fellowships were granted under the Programme. The last co-funded Call for applications took place in April 2013 and no more applicant can be selected under the ABCDE Fellowship. At present, the new Alain Bensoussan Fellowships are totally supported by ERCIM member organizations. The Marie Curie co-funding action aimed to increase the transnational mobility for training and career development of experienced researchers. The co-funding resulted in a considerable increase in the number of ERCIM fellows. The duration of the fellowships was extended and the fellows could benefit from one or two periods of twelve months spent in one or two ERCIM member institutes. Additionally, employment conditions became more flexible, with the option of signing a working contract instead of a stipend agreement in some of institutions.

The number of available positions varies from call to call and depends mainly from the needs of the member institutes and their available funding.

Fellowships are of 12 months duration, spent in one of the ERCIM institutes.

-The fellows are appointed for 12 months either by a stipend (an agreement for a research training programme) or a working contract. The type of contract and the monthly allowance (for stipends) or salary (for working contracts) depends on the hosting institute. It should be noted that the stipend (Fellowship Agreement) does not constitute a contract of employment. As such, no contributions are made, on behalf of the fellow, in respect of unemployment insurance or either state or private retirement schemes. The fellow will not, therefore, be entitled to any unemployment or retirement benefits under the Fellowship Agreement. For the entire period of 12 months, the fellow will receive a monthly allowance or salary (depending on the type of contract) which may vary depending on the country. Costs for travelling to and from the institutes will be paid under conditions determined by the contract. This allowance/salary will be transferred to the fellow’s personal bank account.
-For stipends the fellow is covered by a personal health insurance provided by Campus Francethe cost of which is paid by ERCIM-EEIG. The insurance covers medical transportation costs if needed, payment of a lump sum for invalidity or death, personal liability. Female fellows are informed that expenses related to pregnancy can be covered by this insurance under certain limited circumstances. The insurance does not cover the fellow’s family. The fellow will have to conform strictly to the modalities required by Campus France to obtain benefit of this insurance.
-Costs for travelling to and from the host institutions will be reimbursed on the basis of an economic class airplane ticket or first class train ticket. Travel by car will be reimbursed on the basis of a first class train ticket. No moving expenses are allocated. The limit is 500 euros per trip (2 trips can be planned).
-Research Exchange Programme: Fellows have to spend at least a one-week visit to another ERCIM member institute. ERCIM-EEIG will cover reasonable expenses (including but not limited: travel, accomodation, meal) up to a maximum amount calculated on the basis of 100 euros per month over the fellowship period.
-Participation in scientific conferences: The Fellow is encouraged to attend and to submit papers to scientific conferences during his or her fellowship. ERCIM-EEIG will cover registration costs and travelling expenses up to a maximum sum calculated at a rate of 100 euros per month under the condition that the fellow has an accepted paper at the conference.
 Each application is reviewed by one or more senior scientists in each participating ERCIM institute. ERCIM representatives decide on the candidates to whom Fellowships are offered, taking into account the following criteria:
-Scientific expertise of the applicant
-Quality of scientific publications
-Relevance of the fellowship research agenda
-Interest/ added-value for the consortium
-Previous mobility / professional experiences.
The mode of application is online. 

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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