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Einstein Foundation Junior Fellowship Program 2019, Germany

Publish Date: Nov 14, 2018

Einstein Junior Fellow


The programme offers excellent young researchers in Berlin or from abroad, who are eligible to become professors, the opportunity to remain employed by their current university on a temporary basis. The programme also aims to help the universities with their profiling.


The following institutions are eligible to apply: Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Universität der Künste Berlin and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Funding is available for young researchers who have obtained the qualifications required to be appointed to a professorship not more than three years prior to application. They will, for example, have participated in the DFG’s Emmy Noether Programme or held a DFG project staff position, a research position in the private sector, or a mid-level academic position.


Einstein Junior Fellows are supported by the Einstein Foundation for a maximum of three years.

Funding is available for a position equivalent to a W2 professorship as well as for limited additional support for academic and non-academic staff, as well as assistants and/or equipment.

The total amount of the additional funding for staff and materials must not exceed € 100,000 over the entire funding period.

For the duration of the funding period, the recipients will be awarded the title of “Einstein Junior Fellows.”


Applicants are required to use the application forms provided by the Einstein Foundation. Applications may be submitted in any discipline by the dates posted on the Foundation’s website. Up to three applications per year may be submitted by eligible institutions only. If individual host institutions have internal deadlines for applications to the Einstein Foundation, applicants should liaise with the contact person at their institution (a list is included below) well in advance.

In the first part of the application the university or Charité should apply to continue employing the researcher. It should describe how the junior researcher contributes to the institution’s research profile and its structural development, and what tenure track options are envisaged for the researcher. Moreover, the application should include an evaluation of the researcher’s performance in research and teaching as well as an assessment of his or her career prospects.

In the second part of the application the junior researcher will be asked to describe his or her research project. He or she should explain the research question being addressed and the objective of the planned project, while also placing the project within the context of both the current state of research and his or her own previous work. In addition, the researcher should provide a detailed work schedule as well as a description of the methods that will be used. The scientific quality of the project will play a crucial role in the decision-making process. The work schedule should illustrate exactly why any additional funds for material resources and staff are needed. The researcher should also explain his or her interest in the application and outline his or her career goals.

Apart from the overarching criterion of academic excellence, the project’s impact on developing the university’s scientific profile and structure and, where applicable, on enhancing the research landscape in Berlin, plays a part in the evaluation of all applications.


The approved funds may only be drawn through the university or Charité in accordance with the regulations on third-party funding. These institutions will also become the respective employers of the individuals who receive support from the Einstein Foundation Berlin.

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