CVCEPHOTO is organized by the Club Vasco de Camping Elkartea mountaineering club based in San Sebastian/Donostia.
Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 images related to the sport activities (non-motorized) that take place in the mountains (for example alpinism, climbing, ski, trekking, speleology, paragliding).
The contest is open to all amateur or professional photographers around the world. Participation is free. (It's understood, that underage participants have parent or tutor authorization to participate. If they should win the contest, such authorization will be required).
“MOUNTAIN ACTIVITY”: Any image related to sport activities (non-motorized) that take place on mountains. (For instance: alpinism, climbing, ski, trekking, speleology, paragliding,...).
Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 photographs. There won´t be accepted any photos previously submitted to this contest. Only pictures taken by digital cameras are accepted. RAW digital format of the submitted images must be available.
1st Prize: 1,400 Euros + Exclusive and unique trophy created by Iñigo Arístegui, artist. 2nd Prize: 600 Euros 3rd Prize: 300 Euros 17 Honourable mentions: DIPLOMAS.
Works must be submitted in JPEG format, and must be at least 1,600 pixels wide (if a horizontal image) or 1,200 pixels wide (if a vertical image), converted to color space sRGB with the profile being embedded in the file. All digital images must be 2 megabytes or smaller. Works must not include frames or footers. Works must be submitted exclusively through the ENTRY FORM.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: