CONF/CfP - Worlding Iran: Contemporary Iranian Culture and the World, 8-9 Dec 2016, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Publish Date: Feb 02, 2016

Deadline: Jun 01, 2016

Event Dates: from Dec 08, 2016 12:00 to Dec 09, 2016 12:00

Worlding Iran: Contemporary Iranian Culture and the World
School of Arts and Media, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

8-9 December 2016 

Organizers: Dr Michelle Langford and Dr Laetitia Nanquette

Papers are invited to participate in a two-day symposium around the theme of “Worlding Iran”.

Our keynote speaker will be Assistant Professor Amy Motlagh (The American University in Cairo).

For centuries Iran stood at the crossroads of civilizations and was a pivotal site for the exchange of cultures. However, the contemporary focus on its politics tends to obfuscate how Iran continues to contribute to the global circulation of ideas and cultural products. The success of Iranian cinema globally is a key example reminding us of the connectedness of Iranian culture to the world. This symposium will study how Iranian local/global culture dynamically exchanges with the world.

How are national and transnational Iranian cultural practices linked? What are the roles of the Internet and of the Iranian diasporic communities in connecting Iran and the world? How does Iranian culture evolve in a globalized world?

Disciplines include literature, film, theatre, music, visual arts, and creative media.

Topics that the symposium hopes to discuss include, but are not restricted to:

-       local/global interactions between artists and cultural agents

-       questions of cultural influences and collaborations

-       the circulation of Iranian cultural products within Iran and transnationally

-       the question of the cultural market

-       the reception of contemporary Iranian culture

-       questions of translation

-       the cultural links between the nation and the transnation

-       the contributions made by Iran’s many minority communities - ethnic, religious and sub-cultural - to a heterogeneous cultural landscape

-       disciplinary and comparative approaches

The language of the conference will be English. Please submit a 250-words abstract and biographical note to by 1st June 2016. Enquiries:

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