Conf/CfP - Working Class Districts, 14-15 September 2017, University of Applied Sciences of Vienna, Austria

Publish Date: Mar 23, 2017

Deadline: Apr 15, 2017

Event Dates: from Sep 14, 2017 12:00 to Sep 15, 2017 12:00


The University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien‘s interdepartmental project team “Quality of life in urban spaces” researches within the framework of INUAS1 – activities the urban development of growing cities and metropolitan regions. In the context of this project’s interdisciplinary research focus on working class districts, the University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien organizes in cooperation with the City of Vienna (MA 23, as part of the Project „WienerWissensWelt-Trendradar für Markt und Wissenschaft”) the conference on “Urban Transformations and Qualities of Life in the Growing City.” The aim is to discuss current research results, to determine contemporary challenges and to contribute to the sustainable development of these districts.

Research topics and perspectives

Growing cities are focal points of societal and scientific developments, in which economic innovation and technical achievements stand out just as much as social polarization and ecological crises. The interdisciplinary recognition and detection of global developments and urban trends is substantial for the reflection of societal conditions and perspectives and the development of political alternatives.

At the center of the conference are the working class districts arising from industrialization, which are currently subject to specific dynamics in growing cities and which are connected with various challenges for the local population. The increase of urban population, polarization of the job market, upgrading of the city center, housing shortage or the limited municipal budgets and spatial capacities result among other things in that the often peripheralized districts of the modern precarity become central target areas of urban development and governmental politics.

The conference focuses on transformative processes in eight thematic blocks, in which the scientific discourse and innovative projects shall be discussed.

  1. Social Inequalities, Identities and Urban Diversity

  2. Economic Transformations and Social Municipal Politics

  3. Health, Stages of Life and Demographic Development

  4. Densification, Social Infrastructure and Social Spaces

  5. Urban Planning, Urban Qualities and Participation

  6. Architecture, New Urban (Housing) Forms and Affordable Housing

  7. Renewable Energies,Photonics, Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Restorations

  8. The Future of Urban Mobility and of Innovative Traffic and Transportation Planning


The call is aimed at researchers, graduates and students of diverse disciplines and fields who explore urban transformations and want to contribute their expertise towards the analysis and sustainable development of working class districts. Chosen submissions will be presented as short presentations in panels or as posters.

Paper submissions

Researchers are asked to submit an abstract (300-400 words) in connection with one of

the eight listed thematic blocks.

Academic and scientific abstracts should include a research question and the methodological approach as well as significant results and conclusions. The submission is possible in either German or English.

The abstracts (including contact details) are to be forwarded as a PDF-file to until 15.04.2017. An interdisciplinary jury consisting of the involved departments’ representatives at University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien decides upon the selection of abstracts. Delegates will be notified at the end of May.

Project submissions

Applicants for project submissions are asked to submit an abstract (300-400 words) in

connection with one of the eight listed thematic blocks.

Abstracts for project presentations should include the project’s concept, its innovative aspects, methods of realization and sustainable implications. The submission is possible in either German or English.

The abstracts (including contact details) are to be forwarded as a PDF-file to until 15.04.2017. An interdisciplinary jury consisting of the involved departments’ representatives at University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien decides upon the selection of abstracts. Delegates will be notified at the end of May.


The delegates’ journey and accommodation costs will not be reimbursed. The conference itself is free of costs for delegates.


The presentations and contributions to discussions can be held in either German or English.

Conference Organization

Project Team „Quality of Life of urban Spaces“ of the University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien

(Department Building and Design, Department Health, Department Social Work, Department Engineering)

Academic Institutional Development as part of the project „WienerWissensWelt-Trendradar für Markt und Wirtschaft” funded by the City of Vienna MA 23

INUAS International Network of Universities for Applied Sciences

(University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien, University of Applied Sciences Munich, and ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences)

Funding - City of Vienna: MA23 – Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Statistik


Content-related issues:
Isabel Glogar

Administrative issues:
Petra Zeiller-Vesely

For more information click "Further official information" below.

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