Conf/CfP - Australian Women's and Gender Studies Association Conference, 29 June-2 July 2016, Australia

Publish Date: Feb 11, 2016

Deadline: Feb 29, 2016

Event Dates: from Jun 29, 2016 12:00 to Jul 02, 2016 12:00

The 2016 Conference De-story the Joint will be hosted by a group of Queensland universities: the Committee is led by Dr Margaret Henderson(University of Queensland) and Dr Sharon Bickle (University of Southern Queensland).

De/storying the Joint is a reference to the Australian feminist activist collective, Destroy the Joint. We are interested in capturing this activist energy as well as the way feminism seeks to ‘destroy the joint' by de-storying narratives.

We take De/storying as a theme for this conference as a site for questioning the discursive frameworks surrounding the construction of gender and sexuality, and an invitation to broadly reinterpret the political, social, cultural, literary and economic issues facing feminists.


Possible areas of inquiry include (but are not limited to):

Women and institutions

Women and leadership

Narrativising women’s lives

Reclaiming women’s lives/practices

Gender/Sexuality: roles, scripts and ideologies

Constructions of mothers and motherhood


Decolonising gender

Feminism and disability

Grassroots feminism

Feminism and activism/social media

Literature and gender/sexuality

Film/social media and gender/sexuality

Stories by/about women

Seeing feminism: gender/sexuality and the visual

Designing a feminist future


We invite conference delegates to propose panels for the conference. We welcome panels that address the theme in the widest sense: as expressed in literary and cultural forms, for social issues, in regard to representations and circulating discourses, in relation to others and to each other, and to ourselves.

Email panel and individual proposals (including 200 word- maximum - panel blurb and brief bio) to:  by 29 February. Presenters will be notified by mid-March.

The panel titles and convenor contact details will be circulated via the AWGSA listserve. [Panel proposers are also encouraged to independently solicit speakers and abstracts].

From the AWGSA 2014 Conference Committee

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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