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Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2020 - International Award for Researh in Germany

Publish Date: Aug 05, 2019

Deadline: Sep 15, 2019

International Award for Research in Germany

Academics of all disciplines from abroad, who are internationally recognised as leaders in their field and who are expected to contribute to enhancing Germany's sustained international competitiveness as a research location in consequence of the award, are eligible to be nominated for an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship.

The Alexander von Humboldt Professorship, which is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research through the International Research Fund for Germany, enables award winners to carry out long-term and ground-breaking research at universities and research institutions in Germany. The award funds, totalling €5 million for academics in experimental disciplines and €3.5 million for researchers in theoretical disciplines, are made available for a period of five years.

Nominations may be submitted online by German universities; non-university research institutions may also submit nominations jointly with a German university.


  1. The nominee must be recognised as a world leader in his or her field.
  2. The nominee must be established as an academic abroad.
  3. Nomination by a research institution entitled to make nominations.
  4. Detailed statement on the nominee's academic qualifications and his/her compatibility with the nominating university’s strategic development by the institution in Germany making the nomination.
  5. The nominating institution's strategic development plan, e.g., with regard to enhancing its capacity to compete internationally in the nominee's subject area as well as the nominee’s role as a catalyst in bringing about structural change.
  6. Assurance that the position can be sustainably integrated in the structure of the research institution even after Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsorship has come to an end.
  7. Observance of the Rules of Good Scientific Practice.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.



This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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