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Advancing Women in Leadership & Decision Making, The American University of Armenia, 7-25 September 2015

Publish Date: Aug 27, 2015

Event Dates: from Sep 07, 2015 06:30 to Sep 25, 2015 09:30

Advancing Women in Leadership & Decision Making

Sponsored by Armenian International Women's Association (AIWA)

American University of Armenia
September 7-25
Fee: 10,000 AMD  | Language: Mostly Armenian
Hours: 18:30-21:30 | Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & 1 Saturday (September 12)
Target: Entry to mid-level
Group: Female professionals from public, private and non-governmental sectors

This course is all about preparing women leaders. How do we as a community empower our women? What mechanisms or skills do we need to employ and equip the female members of our society in order to break stereotypes and create equal opportunities? This course addresses the foundational problems of gender inequality in professional settings. It also offers various mechanisms of addressing these situations. Lastly and most importantly, it offers women a set of skills and tools to empower them in both their professional path and personal growth.

Instructor - Dr. Irina Ghaplanyan has recently defended her Doctoral Thesis on political leadership at the University of Cambridge. Her previous education includes a Master's Degree in Diplomatic Studies from the Diplomatic Academy of London and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Relations from the University of Malta. Irina has worked in a number of think tanks and international organizations to include Eurasia Foundation. Hudson Institute, UNDP, Georgetown University and others. Irina has also been a catalyst for change in the field of sustainable business and social entrepreneurshi • Armenia. She was a featured speaker at the 2013 TEDx Yerevan and recently was awarded as one of the top social venwre, entrepreneurs by the Global Good Fund Leadership program.

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