Rewriting, Remixing, and Reloading: Adaptations across the Globe
Centre for British Studies, Berlin, 30 September to 1 October, 2010
Call for Papers and Panels
Convenors: Pascal Nicklas (Humboldt University Berlin),
Gesa Stedman (GBZ Berlin), Eckart Voigts-Virchow (Siegen University)
The Centre for British Studies, Berlin (Großbritannienzentr
Translation, transformation, appropriation, assimilation, adaptation – these processes of intertextual and intermedial contact have been part and parcel of aesthetic activities since their very beginnings. For some time now, the academic sub-discipline of ‘Adaptation Studies’ has been active in exploring adaptive processes, but we feel that the impact of a global reservoir of images as well as the need to articulate cultural and aesthetic specificity in a climate of universal access have yet to make their full impact on adaptation studies. We would like to bring into narrow focus the various aesthetic processes and cultural issues at stake in adapting texts in a globalized world – responding both to the pressure of actualizing texts for a specific cultural moment and to the increasing globalization of cultures. We specifically seek to address media – from film and television to social media and platforms such as youtube – that tend to erase borders and barriers both of a temporal and geographical nature. We are looking forward both to programmatic and theoretical overviews and to significant case studies from this ubiquity of rewriting, remixing and reloading across media and genres. There are no restrictions on issues we would like to address, but proposals in the following areas are encouraged:
Theoretical perspectives and keywords in adaptation studies: adaptation, intertextuality, intermediality, remediation, translation, appropriation, re-writing, remixing, reloading.
– Genres of adaptation: fantasy, Gothic, horror, science fiction, western, crime, romcom, teen movies, etc.
- Adaptation and the canon.
- Intercultural adaptation and assimilation: globalizing the ‘Anglosphere’.
– Adapting nations, cultures and ethnicities.
- Teaching adaptation across the globe.
- The role of translation in adaptation studies.
- Post-literary adaptation: cartoons, games, oral narratives.
- Adaptation and performance.
– Audiences of adaptation.
- Locations of adaptation: film, television. Web 2.0, YouTube and social media.
- Screens and sounds: adaptation, audiobooks and music.
- Dressing up adaptations: costumes and mise-en-scène.
– Adaptation and the stage: plays, theatre, performance.
- Confrontational adaptation: mash-ups and trailer edits.
- Cult adaptations and the cult of adaptation.
- Actualizing the classics: myths, antiquity, Shakespeare, etc.
– The auteurs of adaptation.
- Adapting authors: literary bio-pics.
- “Now a major motion picture” – marketing adaptation.
- Adapting trauma and catastrophe.
- Heritage and history in performance on stage and screen.
– Remaking and rehashing: iterating, re-making and re-presenting film history on screen.
- Adaptation industries: Hollywood, Bollywood, Europe.
- Adaptation and gender: Masculinity, femininity, queerings.
- Adapting fiction and non-fiction, documentary formats.
– Adaptation and re-writing: Novels, novelizations, screenplays, storyboards.
- Adaptation, parody, pastiche.
- Metadaptation: Self-reflexive adaptations.
200-word abstracts of suggested papers (20 minutes) plus short biographical note should be sent
by June 1, 2010, to Prof. Dr. Eckart Voigts-Virchow
Only paid-up members of AAS are eligible to give papers at this conference. Membership subscriptions may be taken out during the conference.