PhD Scholarships in Migration Studies, Germany

Publish Date: Jan 10, 2011

Deadline: Jun 30, 2015

The ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius requests applications for 6-8 Ph.D. Scholarships in migration studies.

The Bucerius Ph.D. scholarship program in migration studies “Settling Into Motion” offers up to eight scholarships for Ph.D. theses addressing migration in changing societies. For 2011, research applications on “Migration, Citizenship and Human Rights” are especially welcome. Qualified Ph.D. students of – in a broad sense – social sciences can apply until 24 February 2011.

Please find further information as well as the online application on the program’s website:

For 2011, research applications on “Migration, Citizenship and Human Rights” are especially welcome.

International migration creates new circumstances for democratic states and their territorial jurisdiction. It produces citizens living temporarily or even permanently abroad – in countries whose governments are not accountable to them. Hence, questions arise with regard to the citizenship-based model of political membership and some argue in favour of a more universal model rooted in human rights. In some countries the traditionally marked distinction between the rights enjoyed by citizens and those enjoyed by legal permanent residents is becoming blurred. While the basis of citizenship seems to depart from nationality, there are vocal political actors keen on re-establishing the link between citizenship and nationality. Debates over concepts like residency, EU citizenship, post-national citizenship, and denationalized citizenship accompany the simultaneous popularity of openly anti-migrant political parties.

International migration and universal human rights intersect not only in destination countries but also in the countries of origin and transit. Migrants’ rights are protected under international law and affect the formulation of the national migration policies. The growing human rights discourse at the international level adds a political dimension to the on-going debates about the economic, social and cultural impact of migration.

Ph.D. students dealing with these broad issues in different regions of the world are invited to apply for a scholarship. We encourage the following topics, but will also consider other approaches:

- Citizenship traditions and regulations
- Intellectual history of human and universal rights
- Migration policies and their national and local enforcement
- Impact of international institutions on citizenship policies
- Impact of identity politics on citizenship

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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