Latvian Research Fellowships for International Students 2020, Latvia

Publish Date: Feb 24, 2020

Deadline: Apr 01, 2020

Citizens from countries which have concluded an agreement with Latvia or offer scholarships for Latvian citizens and academic staff can apply for the Latvian state scholarships. To see countries, citizens of which are eligible to apply for the scholarships, look at the section ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS.

Only academic and scientific staff of foreign higher education and research institutions are eligible candidates for the Latvian state fellowship for research.

The fellowship is granted for a time period of up to 5 months.

In general, the academic year in Latvia lasts from 1st September to 30th June.

II. Application procedure (open call 1st February 2020, deadline 1st April 2020)

An applicant has to register in the system and make a profile with a unique login and password.

After that an application form can be filled in on-line and necessary documents can be attached to the form as well. The system will require following documents to be uploaded:

  • Copy of a letter of the relevant Latvian higher education institution or research institution, confirming the foreigner’s opportunity to do research work there. List of contact persons of Latvian higher education institutions.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a list of academic publications (applicants are asked to use the Europass CV form).
  • Research plan.
  • Letter of motivation.
  • Photocopy of the most recent higher education qualification obtained, including diploma supplement (if applicable).
  • Copy of a letter of recommendation from one academic staff member of home higher education or research institution, signed within the last three months.
  • Copy of an ID (identification document) or a passport.

All documents, which are not in Latvian or English, shall be translated into Latvian or English.

Any incomplete applications will not be considered.

If applicants are nominated by a competent authority of their countries – Ministry of Education, Agency for Education etc. –, they have to contact the authority and send application documents to the authority as well, if required.

III. Financial provisions

  • The amount of the Latvian fellowship is 30,00 EUR per day and 300,00 EUR for accommodation per month.
  • The fellowship holder is expected to stay in Latvia for the full duration of the proposed period. If she/he is absent from the host higher education institution more than 14 consecutive days, his/her fellowship will be terminated.
  • Upon request, the host higher education institution provides the fellowship holder with a place in a dormitory or a guesthouse. Requests for accommodation in the international student dormitories must be submitted one month before arrival to the respective higher education or a scientific institution. Alternatively, foreign researchers may consider renting an apartment in the city.
  • The Latvian fellowship cannot be awarded concurrently with other scholarships.
  • Travel expenses from a home country to and from Latvia are not covered by the Latvian research fellowship.
  • Fellowship holders are required to make their own arrangements for insurance coverage.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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