CfP -2nd International Conference on Symmetry, 1-7 September 2019, Spain

Publish Date: Dec 17, 2018

Deadline: Jul 15, 2019

Event Dates: from Sep 01, 2019 12:00 to Sep 07, 2019 12:00

2nd International Conference on Symmetry

Symmetry is a fundamental phenomenon in Nature and Science. This Conference aims to bring it into focus and promote cutting edge knowledge and ideas of symmetry in a variety of subjects ranging from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, to Biology. The Conference is addressed to scholars, engineers, students and enterprises interested in the role of Symmetry in Nature.


Session: Physics and Symmetry, Chairs: I.Brevik, E. Elizalde and K.Milton 
Session: Chemistry and Symmetry: Chairs:M. Benaglia 
Session: Biology and Symmetry, Chair: O.I.Epstein 
Session: Mathematics, Computer Science and Symmetry, Chairs: S. Anco, J.L. Garcia Guirao and S. D. Odintsov

International Advisory Committee

- Prof. Dr. Steven Weinberg, Austin, USA (Nobel Prize in Physics, 1979) 
- Prof. Dr. Toshihide Maskawa, Nagoya, Japan (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2008) 
- Prof. Dr. Juan Maldacena, Princeton, USA (Fundamental Physics Prize, 2012)

Conference Chairs

- Prof. Dr. Sergei D. Odintsov (Chairman), 
ICREA and Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC)
,Barcelona, Spain 
- Prof. Dr. Emilio Elizalde (Vice-Charman), Instituto de Ciencias del Espacio (IEEC-CSIC), 
Barcelona, Spain 
- Prof. Dr. Manuel Asorey (Vice-Chairman), Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain

Invited speakers 

- M. Asorey (Zaragoza) 
-I.Brevik (Trondheim) 
-I.L. Buchbinder (Tomsk) 
-E.Elizalde (Barcelona) 
-T.Inagaki (Hiroshima) 
-K.Milton (Norman) 
-S.D.Odintsov (Barcelona) 
-A.V.Shapovalov (Tomsk)

Abstract submission

Participants of this conference are cordially invited to contribute with a full manuscript to our special issue  Selected Papers: Symmetry 2019—The Second Edition of the International Conference on Symmetry in the journal Symmetry .

200-word abstract in English for the booklet (printed) and 2-pages extended abstract for the proceedings, with Title, Affiliations, Abstract, Introduction, Results and Conclusions (with Figures and/or Tables) and References.

Abstract submission should be done on: Submit Abstract

All accepted extended abstracts will be published in the journal Proceedings. For those authors who will not attend the conference, the abstracts will not be published. All accepted abstracts will be available online in Open Access form on 

Conference Deadlines:

- Final Abstract Submission: 15.07.2019
- Acceptance Notification: 20.07.2019 

Conference Awards

Winners will be awarded 500 Euros with a certificate and a waiver of the registration fees for the Symmetry 2019 conference. Winners will be notified by 15 July 2019.

Candidates requirements

Applicants must be postdoctoral fellows or PhD students involved in the symmetry research field. The abstract submitted by the applicants must have been previously accepted by the Chairs of the Symmetry 2019 conference.

Applicants are required to submit the following documents to

    1. A brief description of current and future research. 
    2. A CV, including a complete list of publications. 
    3. A recommendation letter from a supervisor, research director or department head, which confirms that the applicant fulfills all the requirements. 

Please note that abstract submission and conference registration are two separate processes: 
Register to attend the conference on the Benasque site BUT To submit an abstract create an account on Sciforum if you do not have one then click on New Submission on the upper-right corner of the window or Submit Abstract on the Conference website.

 For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

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