Nature-Based Solutions for Smart Cities
The NEXT summer school will be a vibrant mixture of interactive sessions, field trips, and group work in a uniquely Eastern European setting, designed to give participants hands-on project and research experience with nature-based solutions for smart cities. After getting familiar with the state-of-the-art field and analytical tools, learning about local and global challenges, visiting five local case study sites in Mahilioŭ (each characterised by several interrelated environmental, land-use and social conflicts), participants will form groups, identify their focus topic, and do several days of supervised group work, followed by the presentation of their ideas and findings to the school faculty and stakeholders. The goal of the group work is to identify a particular urban development challenge, get a multi-angle understanding of the problem, then either 1) propose a vision and a solution to address it with a feasible project plan, OR 2) develop research proposals containing the research question, its justification and research methodology. Student reports would be collected and made available to all participants, stakeholders, and partner universities for curriculum development and learning purposes. Participants and faculty are encouraged to re-develop the final reports into academic papers. Students will be awarded a NEXT Certificate of Completion at the end of the course.
The NEXT summer school will be a valuable learning experience for everyone, but having a great time is also a summer essential. All 40 participants will be students or young experts.
Summer School Faculty
- Dr. Yanina Benedetti, Czech Agricultural University (Czechia)
- Dr. Maria Bihunova, Slovak Life Science University (Slovakia)
- Dr. Matthijs Hisschemöller, DRIFT – Dutch Institute for Transition, Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands), course co-director
- Dr. Agnieszka Karczmarczyk, Warsaw Life Science University (Poland)
- Attila Katona, Central European University (Hungary) and Hungarian Climate Alliance (Hungary)
- Dr. Viktar Kireyeu, Institute for Geography and Ecology, Siberian Federal University (Russia) and NGO EKAPRAEKT (Belarus)
- Dr. Federico Morelli, Czech Agricultural University (Czechia)
- Dr. Ilenia Pierantoni, University of Camerino (Italy)
- Dr. Daniele La Rosa, University of Catania (Italy)
- Prof. Massimo Sargolini, University of Camerino (Italy)
- Prof. Kalev Sepp, Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia)
- Dr. Anton Shkaruba, Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia) and Hungarian Climate Alliance (Hungary), course co-director
- Dr. Hanna Skryhan, Belarusian-Russian University and NGO EKAPRAEKT (Belarus), course co-director
- Dr. Marcin Spyra, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) and Opole University of Technology (Poland)
Program overview
Pre-School (June 30-August 19, 2018): pre-course reading and case study materials (made available through a dedicated e-learning site from June 30, 2018), development and collection of course participants profiles with short visions for the course (to be compiled to the course participant directory) and an introductory webinar for pre-course preparatory assignment
In-School (August 15-20, 2018):
(1) scoping phase (August 15-19)
August 14: Arrival, registration, meet & greet
August 15: Introduction to the theory, methodology and application of nature-based solutions for smart cities, governance of smart cities and nature-based solutions; introduction to the case study challenges and issues of urban & peri-urban landscape quality that need to be addressed, methodology workshop on project planning and transition management
August 16: Methodology workshop on observation techniques, repertory grid, mental mapping, and stakeholder interview techniques; ‘Mobile Lab’ visits to Case site #1, #2, and #3
August 17: Lecture on international best practices of applying urban nature-based solutions and development of smart cities; green corridors, green-blue diameters, development of green infrastructure; challenges for physical planning, urban infrastructure management and landscape architecture
August 18: Making small research groups of 4 participants (two groups for each of five cases), methodology workshop on visioning and back-casting; preparing brief project proposals in cooperation with other groups, stakeholders and the faculty, then presenting the ideas and receiving feedback
August 19: Recreational and cultural activities, optional hiking or sightseeing, intercultural evening
(2) research phase (August 20-25)
August 20: Recap of Week 1, cradle to cradle urban design workshop, project planning workshop; stakeholder interviews for each case
August 21-24: Supporting workshops (e.g. impact mapping, cost-benefit analysis, proposal writing), group work (field trips on an as-needed basis and desktop research) on cases with the aim to propose viable solutions or research plans (each group supervised by a faculty member well familiar with the local context and containing Belarusian/Russian speaking students to facilitate the sociological part and studying the local sources)
August 25: Group project finalization; submission of draft project reports
(3) reporting and graduation:
August 26: the groups present their ideas to stakeholder and the School faculty, undergo Q&A, jury feedback and proclamation of awards; graduation ceremony, farewell evening
August 27: departures
Post-School (September 1-September 30, 2018): the group leaders send the final version of group reports to be included in the edited on-line volume and case study database of the Belarusian-Russian University and the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg. The final report should include an Executive summary (300 words); Introduction: system analysis, problem definition and framing (1500-2000 words); Proposed vision and solution (1500-2000 words); Implementation strategy, feasibility analysis, business plan and recommendations (1500-2000 words); References.
Target audience and general eligibility requirements
The program looks for motivated individuals with academic or professional background related to physical planning, architecture, environmental management, policy and/or technology, ecology, geography, policy science, economics, or any other relevant backgrounds that have to do with the quality of urban landscape, ecosystem and biodiversity protection in cities, and planning process or urban design in general. Applicants are expected to have at least the first degree, although, in some well-justified cases (e.g. sufficient professional experience in a relevant field), this requirement can be exempted. The application to open to the citizens of any countries in the world. The program does not discriminate on the basis of gender, religion, nationality, social strata, cultural or sexual preferences. There are no special arrangements for handicapped people, however, please contact them as soon as possible if you have special assistance, and they will do our best to facilitate it.
Application procedure
The application deadline for those who applies for any form of financial assistance and/or needs visa in order to enter Belarus is May 31, 2018. The deadline for all other categories of participants is June 20, 2018. Applications are submitted electronically using the online form accessible through In addition, upon the completion of the e-form, the applicant has to send compulsory annexes to the e-mail
The compulsory annexes include:
- Cover letter, briefly explaining the purpose of the application, and outlining relevant qualifications
- Copy of the ID page(s) of the travel document (passport)
- Copy of diplomas confirming the latest academic degree obtained (e.g. specialist, B.Sc./B.A./B.Eng., M.Sc./M.A./M.Eng., Ph.D.)
- Document certifying language proficiencies (where relevant; citizens of EU countries and/or applicants with academic or professional experience in an English-speaking environment are exempt for such proofs; the reason for exemption should be mentioned in the Cover letter)
- Full CV (in any format) with the list of published works (where relevant)
All the annexes shall be joined in a single pdf file, and named according to the following template: Last name_Nationality.pdf, e.g. Navumau_Belarus.pdf or Schulz_Germany.pdf. Please, immediately let us know (, if you encounter any technical difficulties or have additional questions.
Logistic details
Mahilioŭ has direct regular train and bus connections to most of the major cities in Belarus, but also in Moldova, Ukraine and the European part of Russia. The closest international airport is the National Airport Minsk is at less than 200 km away.1-2 transfers on arrival and departure days will be arranged, however, Mahilioŭ also has many buses and train connection with Minsk and, eventually, the airport. Other (relatively) close international airports are Kiev, Moscow, and Vilnius. During the departure day we will maintain a meet & greet reception on the premises of Belarusian-Russian University in the downtown area (close to the Coach Station and not far away from the Railway Station), and also will be available by phone; more details will follow.
General financial information
The cost of living in Mahilioŭ is not high. There exist a broad range of accommodation options from EUR 10 to ∞/night, while for the participants accepting the living standards of a shared room in a student dorm (just across the street from the School venue), we will provide accommodation for free (or almost for free – negotiations are underway). More details about accommodation options will follow. Meals are in a range from EUR 3-4 for lunch; participants from Visegrad countries, as well as Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine, receive arranged free lunches; participants from other countries will be encouraged to join the arrangement (EUR 3/lunch). The tuition fee is EUR 650; the fees of outstanding participants as well citizens of non-OECD countries or affiliates of partner institutions will be waived.
Visegrad grants
If you are a citizen of a Visegrad country (Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Poland), Belarus, Moldova or Ukraine, you are eligible for a full or partial travel grant. In case if you are eligible, please chose an appropriate option in the “travel grant eligibility” field in the application form. After the application deadline, the selection will be completed within a week, and selection results will be sent to applicants. The travel grant will include a tuition fee waiver, free accommodation and catering (arranged on spot) and, for a very limited number of applicants, also full or partial travel reimbursement.
DAAD grants
If you are a German citizen, you are eligible for the grants provided by DAAD. In case if you are eligible, please chose an appropriate option in the “travel grant eligibility” field in the application form. After the application deadline, the best applicants to DAAD Foundation will be recommended, where the final decision on grant award will be taken. The travel grant includes full tuition fee (payable upon your arrival; cash or bank card), airfare compensation (up to EUR 350) and the daily allowance of EUR 10/day.
Participants from the Erasmus+ CBHE project INTENSE partner organizations
If you belong to one of the organizations participating in the Erasmus+ CBHE project INTENSE (, you are exempt from the tuition fee, and subject to the internal selection procedure, also may be eligible to a full or partial compensation of your stay and travel costs. Please, contact for further details. In case if you are eligible, please also chose an appropriate option in the “travel grant eligibility” field in the application form.
Information about the host institution
The project is hosted by the Department of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) at Faculty of Construction Engineering, the Belarusian-Russian University (Mahilioŭ, Belarus). Its 16 resident and 3 visiting academic faculty (including 12 members with PhD degrees) deliver courses related to environmental protection, sustainable urban planning, OHS, industrial ecology, energy efficiency, management of industrial and natural hazards, and natural science methodology for all the educational programs run at the university, and supervise MSc & PhD students. The Department hosts the Research Laboratory of Environmental Technology, and student laboratories for civic defense, safe lifestyles, occupational safety, ecology. BRU is also working on becoming the center of excellence in support to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in Belarus.
BRU offers a high-quality venue with all the classroom and webcast equipment required for high-level international events. E-learning will be supported through the BRU Moodle-based e-learning platform. The main campus is located in the downtown Mahilioŭ and enjoys a direct access to a broad range of reasonably priced accommodation and catering options.
Information about the summer school organizers
NEXT is co-organised and co-funded by a consortium of international partners financed by several funding programs, including CBHE Erasmus+ INTENSE (Estonian Life Science University), Visegrad International Foundation (Czech Agricultural University, Slovak Life Science University, Warsaw Life Science University, Hungarian Climate Alliance, Belarusian-Russian University, NGO EKAPRAEKT), Central European Initiative (Belarusian-Russian University), DAAD (Belarusian-Russian University), ERANET Urban Europe Smart-U-Green (Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Camerino).
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: