COBRA Re-loaded – Texture Design Contest 2018

Publish Date: Feb 22, 2018

Deadline: May 15, 2018

COBRA Re-loaded – Texture Design Contest 2018

Goals of the contest For the 50th anniversary of the design and production of the COBRA lamp designed by Elio Martinelli in 1968, Martinelli Luce announces a contest for the creation of a texture to apply to the surface of the lamp, aimed at enhancing and underscoring the contemporary features of a lamp still today successfully featured in the company catalogue. The texture must be coherent with the technical and formal characteristics of the lamp and respect the criteria of feasibility using technologies suitable for its creation.

Composition of the jury

The jury is comprised of (five) people having the right to vote:

  • Paola Navone, architect 
  • Cristina Morozzi, journalist
  • Luciano Galimberti, President of ADI
  • Massimo Farinatti, Coordinator of ADI’s Designer Department
  • Emiliana Martinelli, Martinelli Luce
  • Marco Ghilarducci, Martinelli Luce 


The jury’s decisions shall be taken with a majority of votes. The President of the jury shall be nominated from the members of the jury itself.

Trustee of the contest

The trustee having the role of intermediary between the promoter, the jury and the contestants is: 

ADI - Associazione per il Disegno Industriale (Italian Association for Industrial Design)


The winning projects will receive suitable web-press visibility and visibility in any events scheduled subsequently.

Three winners will be chosen and will receive 3 prizes:

  • 1st prize: creation of the lamp using their texture and consequent production thereof. The relationship between designer and the manufacturing company shall be regulated by a royalty contract pursuant to the general indications set forth by ADI.
  • 2nd prize: a Cobra 50th Anniversary lamp
  • 3rd prize: a Cobra lamp

Conditions for participating

Participation is open to all designers less than 35 years of age at the date of publication of these contest regulations, with no distinction as far as nationality.

Groups of designers can also participate, but a group leader shall have to be nominated who will be the sole reference person in regards to Martinelli Luce. Participation is forbidden to members of the jury, their family members and to employees of Martinelli Luce.

Unpublished projects

The projects must be unpublished works developed expressly for the contest. In the event of a dispute as to the originality of the projects, the judgement of the ADI Design Jury shall prevail.

Projects and deadline for their presentation

Every proposal must be correlated by a motto proposed by the participant. The related documents must not bear the name of the designer or allow his/her identification in any way. Every proposal must be accompanied by the data sheet annexed to these contest regulations (see Annex 2), filled in and signed (by the individual designer or by all the members of the group, indicating the group leader), and it will be the only document to establish correspondence between the proposal and the project. The identity of the designers shall be kept separate from the projects until the winning proposal is chosen. The projects must be sent via certified email to: in one single file in .PDF format, max size 8 MB, by deadline.

The file name must coincide with the chosen motto, pursuant to the following syntax: MOTTO_CHOSEN.PDF

In a separate file, it too in. PDF format, the data sheet must be sent in (see Annex 2) together with the previous file, filled in and signed, containing the motto and the identity of the designer.

The file name must be composed pursuant to the following syntax: SHEET_MOTTO_CHOSEN.PDF

Property rights

Within one year following the outcome of the contest, Martinelli Luce reserves the faculty of assessing the possibility of creating the Cobra lamp using exclusively any one of the textures sent in by the participants to the contest. In such case, the economic rapport with the designer shall be regulated by a specific contract. Once the one-year period is expired, the designers of the other projects can freely use them.

Information and dissemination of the results

Martinelli Luce shall present the initiative to the national press and underscore and highlight the outcome of the contest through the actions that it retains appropriate. As of now, all the contestants authorize Martinelli Luce to publish their project through any print and digital media. For this, nothing is due apart from the obligation to cite the author. ADI shall communicate the results to all the participants within 10 days of the date of the Jury’s report, through email message directed to all participants.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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