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Summer School - Romani Identities and Antigypsyism, 2 July - 13 July 2018, Hungary

Publish Date: Oct 31, 2017

Deadline: Feb 14, 2018

Romani Identities and Antigypsyism

The Summer School will focus on the nexus between Romani identities and antigypsyism. Antigypsyism is a core concept of critical Romani studies, and can be used methodologically, analytically and theoretically as a way of understanding the position of Roma in Europe historically and in the present moment. A growing body of scholarship grounds our understanding of antigypsyism in the Europeanization of the Roma issue and neoliberal regime expansion following the fall of communism. Other scholars originate antigypsyism in the nation-state building process. Some scholars define antigypsyism as an ideology and as a code of conduct that has been central to European culture.
The aim of this CEU Summer School is to link participating students and scholars with a transnational network of scholars in order to investigate the forms of oppressions faced by Roma and to analyze the mechanisms through which exclusion of Roma takes place in different fields of public life. A methodological, analytical and theoretical focus on antigypsyism serves as prerequisite for a multifaceted research agenda with strong policy implications. The questions this summer school aims to address are: What is antigypsyism? Is this the best term to be used? Is antigypsyism measurable? How to analyze antigypsyism? What are its manifestations? How is it produced and reproduced in different areas of public life? Is there a need to propose new terms to interpret and analyze the situation of Roma? What is the relation between antigypsyism and Romani mobility, often defined as nomadism? How is antigypsyism related to gender and class?
The summer school will serve as a platform from which we can develop communities of scholarship and practice that feature Roma at their center, as well as a mentoring network, scholarly outputs and practical engagement with Romani communities through dialogue and scholarly practice.
Key topics include Romani identity, Antigypsyism, Decolonial studies, Feminist perspectives, Mobility and Nomadism, and Social Justice.
The course will be conducted in a mixed format, including lectures, seminar discussions, workshops, individual projects, library research, and individual consultations with instructors. Students will have reading time in order to prepare their presentations.

Target group

We invite applications from graduate students worldwide. 

This course is aimed at PhD and MA students, as well as practitioners, and looks to include programming that will appeal to and draw in a larger Romani and non-Romani public. Particularly, we seek to inform the fields of critical studies, Romani studies, feminist and cultural studies, sociology and history. It will appeal to students, scholars, and practitioners currently working in the field of Romani and ethnic studies. We are especially interested in recruiting scholars at an early stage in their career of Romani background, but do welcome applications by non Roma (Ph.D. students, postdoctoral fellows, junior faculty) with a proven relevant research and teaching record, in the field of performance studies, history, sociology, political science or related humanities and social science disciplines. The interdisciplinary nature of the proposed course will most likely result in a diverse group of participants from a cross-section of disciplines and countries.


The course is primarily aimed at graduate students having some familiarity with Gender Studies, Performance Studies, Visual Arts or Romani Studies. Students will be invited to prepare a paper (c.a. 1000 words) or a performance piece to submit upon admission, which will be circulated in advance to be presented and discussed in groups with other students and faculty.

Language requirement

The language of instruction is English, thus all applicants have to demonstrate a strong command of spoken and written English to be able to participate actively in discussions at seminars and workshops. Some of the shortlisted applicants may be contacted for a telephone interview.

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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