1X Photo Awards 2016

Publish Date: Apr 21, 2017

Deadline: Dec 23, 2017

1X Photo Awards 2016

Welcome to the prestigious sixth annual photo competition by the curated photo community 1x.com. The grand prize is $20.000, the total price value over $30.000 and there are 28 winners in total.


The grand prize is $20.000, the 2nd prize is $1000 and the third prize is $500. People's Choice grand prize is $1000. There are 12 categories with 2 winners in each category, one selected by the judge and one people's choice award. All the winners receive one year PRO membership at 1x (119$ value) and our exclusive photo book Visions ($99 value). The total prize sum is over $30.000.

Judge Lois Lammerhuber

Lois Lammerhuber has been awarded 141 awards, photographed 72 books and is a member of the New York Art Directors Club since 1994. He is respsonsible for the prestigious Alfred Fried Photography Award in collaboration with the Austrian Parliament and UNESCO.

What is 1x Photo Awards?

1x Photo Awards is an annual photo competition by 1x.com, a photo community with a difference. All photos published on 1x are hand-picked by 15 professional curators. Our mission is to promote photography as an art form and help you finding your inner photographer. We believe that everyone has a huge potential just waiting to be discovered.

Who can enter?

The competition is open to everyone of all levels and anyone can win.

How many photos can I enter?

You can submit any number of photos. The more photos you upload the greater is the chance to win.

What is the cost of participating?

The submission fee is $19/19€ per photo (non-EU/EU).

Is there a theme?

There are 12 different categories: Abstract, Architecture, Creative edit, Conceptual, Documentary, Fine art nude, Macro, Nature, Landscape, People, Still life and Street. You can select one category for each photo you upload. If you don't select a category you will still compete for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes and the People's Choice grand prize.

What can I win?

he grand prize is $20.000, the 2nd prize is $1000 and the 3rd prize is $500. There is a grand People's Choice Award of $1000. There are also 12 different categories with 2 winners in each category, one selected by the judge and one People's Choice winner. All the winners will receive one year of Pro membership at 1x ($119 value) and our new exclusive photo book Visions ($99 value). The total prize sum is over $30.000.

What extra exposure do the winners get?

All winning photos will be featured on 1x and our social media sites, like Instagram (31.000 followers) and Facebook (185.000 followers). The 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners and the grand People's Choice winner will also be featured on the front page cover of 1x.

Who is the judge?

Lois Lammerhuber is the judge. He has been awarded 141 awards, photographed 72 books and is a member of the New York Art Directors Club since 1994. He is also responsible for The Alfred Fried Photography Award organized with the Austrian Parliament, UNESCO, the International Press Institute and the Austrian Parliamentary Reporting Association.

When is the deadline for sending in submissions?

The deadline for entering the contest is December 23. There will be no extensions for entering.
When will the winners be announced?
The winners will be announced January 27, 2017.

How do I vote on photos?

Click "Vote" in the upper right to vote on photos. The photos will be presented randomly, You can either vote for a photo or skip it. You can only vote once on each photo.

How do I gain more votes on my photos?

To gain as many votes as possible on your photos, make sure to use the different share buttons to share them on your social networks. The sooner you enter the competition the more votes you will be able to gather and the higher is your chance to win one of the People's Choice Awards.
For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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