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CONF/CfP: CRRC Armenia 2013 Conference on Social Capital

Publish Date: Feb 08, 2013

Deadline: Mar 07, 2013

Event Dates: from Jun 05, 2013 12:00 to Jun 06, 2013 12:00

Social Capital: Definitions, Applications, Cultural Contexts

Date: 5-6 June 2013

Place: Tsakhkadzor, Armenia

Organizer: the Caucasus Research Resource Center – Armenia

Because  of  the  utmost  significance  of  the  concept  of  social  capital  and  also  the  controversies associated with it, the CRRC-Armenia is pleased to announce a special Conference on Social Capital (SC Conference).


Throughout  decades,  the  concept  of  social  capital  has  often  been  used  as  a  conceptual  tool  of  social sciences. Almost all social disciplines have included the social capital in  their research frameworks – from development economics to social psychology, from social health research to education attainment studies,  from  criminology  to  anthropology.  While  the  social  capital  concept  has  generally  been accepted in most of the societies and cultures, it has, however, no lack of criticism either. Critics spend their time and direct their intellectual efforts particularly towards the issues of measurement of social capital.

Although  different  disciplines  define  social  capital  differently,  they  tend  to  converge  in  one characteristic  of  this  complex  phenomenon.  They  share  the  idea  that  social  networks,  social  contacts (or their absence) affect the productivity of individuals, groups and polities, much like the polity’s accumulated physical capital and educational attainments do.

Identification, establishment and/or strengthening of desirable forms/types of social capital constitute a central concern  for  any  society.  These things cannot  be  achieved  overnight.  They are  bound  to  raise difficult questions: What type of social capital does a polity have at its current level of economic and social  development?  How can social capital contribute or hinder a country’s economic and social advancement? What  can  educational  reforms  do  to  speed  up,  or  slow  down,  the  creation of advantageous forms of social capital (e.g., in Armenia, also from the perspective of Armenia’s comparison to  their  countries)?  How do  social  capital  and  Internet  relate  to  each  other?  What  are cultural  implications  of  social  capital,  e.g.,  in  the  Armenian  context,  also  in  comparison  with  other South  Caucasus  countries?  Which  type(s)  of  social  capital  are  more  conducive  to  higher  economic efficiency and social performance of developing polities? How does civil society impact the formation of a particular type of social capital? How does social capital relate to changes in women’s role in society?  Can  social capital  deepen,  and  even  generate,  social  inequality?  How  does  social  capital impact migration/emigration dynamics? These and a whole range of even more issues, relating social capital to youth studies, civil society, poverty, happiness, crime statistics, health – are all welcome to be presented, discussed and debated at the SC Conference.

SC Conference Format

Contributors are hereby invited to submit proposals to the SC Conference. The proposed papers should address one  of  the  following  broadly  defined subjects.  Contributors  may  also  choose  more  narrow subjects closely related to these.

1.  Definitional Issues and Typology of Social Capital 

2.  Social  Capital,  Democracy  and  State  Cohesion;    Connectedness;    Social  Capital,  Social Cohesion, Solidarity

3.  Methodology: Evaluation  and  Measurement  of    Social  Capital;  Emerging  Research Opportunities

4.  Social Capital and Reciprocity: Trust in Social Norms and Institutions. 

5.  Social  Capital  and  Gender  Issues:  Prominent Role  of  Women  in  Society,  Women’s Engagement in Politics and Business 

6.  Cultural Implications of Social Capital

7.  Misunderstanding and Misusing the Social Capital: Negative Social Capital and Reproduction of Inequality

Both empirical papers and theoretical/conceptual contributions are equally welcome.

The SC Conference will serve as a forum for discussion, debates, generation of ideas. The Conference will also be a socializing and networking event, precisely the type of event to promote, propagate and publicize the concept of social capital.

The Conference  will  include  three  panels  for  discussion  and  debates.  The three  panels  are  broadly dubbed “theoretical,” “empirical” and “cultural”

1.  The Theoretical Panel will discuss and debate definitional issues and typology of social capital concept,  bonding  vs.  bridging  types  of  social  capital,  possible  relationships  between  social capital,  efficiency  of  democratic  institutions  and  therefore  stability  of  state  cohesion; connectedness  and  solidarity,  social  networking,  trust  in  institutions  and  social  norms, accompanied at the same time by possibilities of individual choice – these and related exciting theoretical  general  musings  are  the  subjects  to  be  raised,  debate  and  pondered  upon  by  the participants to the panel.

2.  The  Empirical  Panel  will  devote  its  attention  to  methodological  and  practical  aspects  of measurement  of  social  capital,  newly  emerging  research  opportunities.  Possible  relationships between  social  capital  and  the  Internet  will  await  consideration.  Problems  that  can  arise  from misunderstanding  and  misusing  the  social  capital  also  fall  in  this  category.  Participants  will discuss  the  so-called “negative social capital”, its possible and much debated connection to reproduction of inequality.

3.  The  Cultural  Panel will  hold  talks  of  cultural  implications  of  social  capital,  particularly  its manifestations  in  the  contemporary  Armenian  society.  Comparative  perspectives  and contrasting  reviews  of  South  Caucasus  states,  characteristics  of  social  capital  in  countries  of other  culturally  diverse  regions  of  the  world  will  be  particularly  welcome.  Social  capital  and the role of women in different societies, opportunities for women’s economic empowerment in relation to a culture’s social capital are also bound to generate fruitful discussions.

Terms of Participation and Selection Criteria

The  SC  Conference  will  host  social  scientists,  scholars,  researchers,  think-thank  and  NGO representatives,  Master  of  Arts  and  PhD  students,  individuals  from  academic  faculties,  government agencies, representatives of international organizations – all those who will demonstrate scientific and professional interest in the above mentioned subjects and related fields. The potential contributors will submit abstracts (no more than 300 words) of their proposed papers. Abstracts can be submitted either in  Armenian  or  in  English.  No  discrimination  will  be  made  with  regard  to  race,  gender,  religion, citizenship, social, political and/or other affiliations of participants.

Abstracts will be submitted by March 7, 2013  to:

The Conference Steering Committee (CSC) will select the Conference speakers on a competitive basis.

Individuals whose paper abstracts will have been selected by the end of selection process will further be contacted by the CSC to submit full papers.

The CSC will notify authors of accepted abstracts by e-mails by March 29, 2013.

The following criteria will be used to evaluate submitted abstracts:

1.  Abstracts  should  contain  no  more  than  300  words,  including  the  following  information:  the title, the name(s), contacts, and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s).

2.  Abstracts must bear relevance to one of the subjects described in the Section 2: SC Conference Format.

3.  Abstracts must  be  logically  coherent  and  must  accurately  reflect  the  purpose,  structure, argument and conclusions of the paper.

4.  Abstracts must NOT contain unsupported assertions, ethical judgments, call-ups for violence, terrorism, etc.

5.  Citations must be equipped with accurate references to the sources.

Requirements for full papers will be provided individually to the authors of selected abstracts.

The  paper  should  NOT  incorporate  materials  that  could  be  interpreted  as  a  popularization  and/or propaganda of an individual, political party, public or international organization.

The  best  papers  and  speeches  will  be  published  within  two  months  after  the  completion  of  the  SC Conference.

Conference Languages 

The  SC  Conference  will  be  conducted  in  Armenian  and  English.  Simultaneous translation will  be available.

Contact Information

For questions please contact Ms. Anna Sarkisyan

Program Manager

CRRC – Armenia

Abovyan St. 52, room 312

(37410) 58 13 30 and 58 14 50

You are also encouraged to visit the website at

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