Call for papers and presentations
Keynote speaker: Don Ihde
Cinesonika: The First International Film and Video Festival of Innovative Sound Design is adding a conference component. We are seeking interdisciplinary contributions on sound in relation to the moving image. Media thinkers, film scholars, art historians, performance theorists, composers, film-makers, sound practitioners, multimedia semioticians, philosophers of perception – we invite these, and others, to submit proposals for twenty-minute panel presentations. All accepted submissions will also be considered for inclusion in a special issue of The Soundtrack (published by Intellect). Articles not selected for the journal will be made available as downloadable PDFs of the proceedings on the conference website.
Submitting to the conference
Please write ‘Cinesonika – Paper submission’ as the e-mail subject. Please send your abstract and a short biography as an attachment (.doc or .pdf), and also pasted into the body of the e-mail, to info@cinesonika.
Important dates
Deadline for abstracts (under 500 words): 31 July 2010
Deadline for papers (twenty-minute panel presentations)
Conference dates: 12–14 November 2010
Festival dates: 12–21 November 2010
Conference organizers
Michael Filimowicz: info@cinesonika.
Dr. Lisa Coulthard: lisa.coulthard@
Dr. Diane Gromala: dgromala@sfu.