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University of Oslo Position of Associate Professor in Classical Philology, Norway

Publish Date: May 19, 2016

Deadline: May 20, 2016

Position of Associate Professor in Classical Philology

A position of Associate Professor of Classical Philology is available at the Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Arts and Ideas, University of Oslo.

The department offers courses in Greek and Latin at BA and MA levels as well as some courses in translation. The successful candidate must be prepared to teach subjects across the whole portfolio of courses.

The successful candidate is expected to initiate and lead research, supervise PhD candidates, participate in teaching and in exam setting and assessment at all levels, and to carry out administrative duties in accordance with the needs of the Department.  


  • PhD or equivalent academic qualifications with a specialization in Greek and/or Latin
  • Documented pedagogical skills (either a teaching course certificate or based on teaching experience), see How to document your pedagogical skills
  • Documented potential for project acquisition
  • Personal suitability and motivation for the position
  • A documented research profile in both Greek and Latin

The following qualifications will count in the assessment of the applicants:

  • Academic qualifications and academic production in Greek and/or Latin with emphasis on works published within the last 5 years. Originality and innovative thinking will be weighted more heavily than quantity
  • Priority will be given to candidates whose research profile falls within strong research areas of the Classics section such as Augustan poetry, Greek epic, papyrology, reception studies (incl. translation), and Greek and Latin syntax and semantics
  • International peer-reviewed publications
  • Experience with research projects
  • Potential to contribute to the long-term development of the academic and research environment at the Department
  • Pedagogical qualifications and disposition to inspire students
  • Interest and ability in leadership and administration
  • Ability to create and contribute to a positive environment for collaboration
  • Experience with and ability to build international networks
  • Skills within popular dissemination, public outreach and innovation

In the evaluation of the qualified candidates the full range of these criteria will be explicitly addressed and assessed.

Academic quality, development potential and breadth will be prioritized in this order. The selected candidates are expected to contribute to the objective in the University of Oslo’s strategic plan to ‘strengthen its international position as a leading research-intensive university through a close interaction across research, education, communication and innovation’.

The successful candidate who at the time of appointment cannot document basic teaching qualifications will be required to obtain such qualifications within a two-year period.

The successful candidate must demonstrate mastery of both English and one of the Scandinavian languages as working languages. If an appointee is not fluent in a Scandinavian language, the appointee will be expected within a two-year period to learn sufficient Norwegian to be able to participate actively in all functions the position may involve.

We offer

  • Salary level 60 - 68 (510 100 – 591 400 NOK per year, depending on qualifications)
  • A professionally stimulating working environment
  • Pension agreement with Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
  • Attractive welfare benefits
  • The opportunity to  apply for promotion to full professorship at a later stage

Applicants must submit the following attachments with the electronic application form, preferably in pdf format:

  • Application letter describing qualifications
  • Description of one or more research projects which may be relevant for the Department
  • Proposed topics for MA theses
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • List of published and unpublished works

Applicants are required to describe and document the entire range of qualifications and criteria described in the announcement of the post with concrete examples.

Please note that all documents must be submitted in English or one of the Scandinavian languages, either in the original or in translation.

Selection procedure

As the first step in the evaluation process, a Selection Committee will assess all applications and invite the most qualified applicants to submit a portfolio of educational certificates and academic works (up to 10 publications, which should not exceed 500 pages in total) for expert assessment. Applicants who are invited to submit academic works are asked to select three works, published within the last five years, to be considered as most relevant for the position. In longer publications (monographs), applicants should specify the relevant pages. Applicants are further asked to submit a description of one or more research projects considered relevant for the Department. Applicants are also asked to submit a portfolio that documents other qualifications (public outreach, teaching and supervision, and any experience with leadership and administration).

Finally, the most highly ranked candidates will be invited to an interview and a trial lecture.

Within his/her normal duties and in accordance with his/her academic competence, the person appointed may also be asked to work outside his/her Department. The appointment is made under the condition that the employer may change the subject area and assigned tasks according to the needs of the Department.

See also Rules for appointments to Associate Professorships.

According to the Freedom of Information Act (Offentleglova) § 25, Chapter 2, demographic information about the applicant may be used in the public list of applicants even if the applicant opts out of entry in the public application list.

The University of Oslo has an Acquisition of Rights Agreement for the purpose of securing rights to intellectual property created by its employees, including research results.

The University of Oslo aims to achieve a balanced gender composition in the workforce and to recruit people with ethnic minority backgrounds.


HR-officer Mira Kramarova (EasyCruit)
Telephone: +47 22854290

Professor Dag Haug
Telephone: +47 22857635

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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