The first International Workshop on Mining Big Data in Social Networks (MBD-SONET)
to be held at the 2015 IEEE International Big Data Conference
Oct 29 - Nov 01, 2015 @ Santa Clara, CA, USA
Workshop description
The popularity of various online social network applications, such as Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and WeChat, has become a major source of big data, the online social network data. It contains rich information and knowledge about people's daily lives and penetrates to many domains, such as politics, business, marketing, social interaction, online education, knowledge sharing, or even homeland security. Advanced data mining techniques for online social network data lead to promising solutions in conquering the challenges in this exciting field.
The objectives of this workshop are to reflect the latest development of the theories, models, algorithms and applications of online social network analysis using big data mining techniques. For example, big data in online social network applications can be analyzed or mined in many aspects, such as structure patterns in social networks, user interaction models, information dissemination patterns in social networks, as well as influence diffusion. The scope of the workshop also involves advanced techniques, such as big graph data mining, big data stream mining, and advanced search. This workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners from different related areas to share new ideas on mining big data in social networks.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Large scale community detection in social network data;
• Community evolution of online social networks;
• User behavioral modeling and analysis;
• Sentiment analysis in online social networks;
• Individual influence analysis;
• Collective intelligence and group polarization on online social networks;
• Information retrieval towards social networks;
• Dissemination rules on online social network data;
• Topic detection and evolution on short text streaming data;
• Maximizing influence through a social network;
• Social network analysis applications in domains such as e-commerce, security, software engineering, etc.
Workshop Co-chairs
Prof. Bin Zhou (
National University of Defense Technology, China
Prof. Jian Pei (
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: Aug 28, 2015
Author notification: Sept 25, 2015
Camera-Ready deadline: Oct 5, 2015
Workshop: October 29-November 1, 2015
1)Papers should be formatted to 6 - 10 pages IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines (see link to "formatting instructions" below).
2) Although we accept submissions in the form of PDF, PS, and DOC/RTF files, you are strongly encouraged to generate a PDF version for your paper submission if your paper was prepared in Word.
All the accepted workshop papers are published in the conference proceeding published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, which is EI indexed.
Invited keynote speakers
coming soon.
1-2 research leaders in the areas of mining big data and social networks to deliver keynote speeches.