The 2016 Edition of the European Citizenship Awards

Publish Date: May 16, 2016

Deadline: May 20, 2016

Open Call for Nominations for the European Citizenship Awards 2016

The European Citizenship Awards 2016 are a joint initiative between Volonteurope and European Civic Forum, two European networks which promote active citizenship and recognition of the importance of social justice to the cohesion of communities across Europe. The Awards celebrate the democratic and civic engagement of individuals, organisations, citizens’ groups, media platforms and social enterprises, recognising innovative initiatives and contributions which give real substance to European values , create ownership of public space and improve the lives of our communities in terms of democracy, social justice and universal access to rights.
Since 2006, Volonteurope has run a major European awards scheme: the Active Citizens of Europe (ACE) Awards. European Civic Forum introduced, in 2014, its flagship European Democratic Citizenship Awards. This year, the two networks are joining forces to launch the European Citizenship Awards 2016. The joint initiative comes at a time when the European project is facing many challenges. Through the European Citizenship Awards 2016, the two networks will recognise and give visibility to outstanding initiatives and civil society actors who put European democratic citizenship into practice and have a real, positive impact on the lives of their communities – be it at the local, regional, national or European level.

Award Categories

The European Citizenship Awards 2016 will be awarded in the following four categories:

1. Campaign of the Year: rewarding awareness-raising or advocacy campaigns organised by both informal and formal groups of citizens, including NGOs, with a real and proven impact on community life or public action, and a high potential for driving transformative change;

2. Social Enterprise of the Year: rewarding businesses founded on the basis of social goals, which are written into the enterprise’s business vision and mission, the pursuit of which brings in positive social change in communities;

3. Volunteer of the Year rewarding individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to democratic life and to the development of a community or cause, be it through a volunteering role in an NGO or in another form of an organisation or community association (including informal groups); and

4. Media Initiative of the Year: rewarding professional media and media-based collaborative initiatives which give citizens effective tools to engage and bring about positive change in their communities; successful media initiatives will have used different tools for engagement and enhanced citizens’ participation, fostered an informed citizenry and enabled the development of a common civic space.

Nominations and Timeline

If you wish to make a nomination under one of the above categories, please complete the form below no later than by 20 May 2016. An international judging panel will make a shortlist selection of nominees in each of the four categories, which will then be submitted to an online vote between 30 May and 27 June 2016. Please note that the online vote will represent 50% of the overall final score, while the remaining 50% will be given by the judging panel.

The winners will be contacted shortly after the final meeting of the judging panel. The Awards Ceremony will take place on 12 September 2016 at the City Hall in London; the venue for the event – the “London Dining Room” at the top of the City Hall, has been kindly offered by Team London at the Office of the Mayor of London, for which Volonteurope and European Civic Forum are grateful. London has also been selected as the European Volunteering Capital 2016, through an awards scheme coordinated by the European Civic Forum. Therefore, the location of the Awards Gala in the city will make the evening even more special. Volonteurope and European Civic Forum will cover the travel and accommodation costs of the winners.

For any question, please contact


The Award is open to anyone.

How to Apply

To apply go to the official website, click the APPLY button, fill in the online form, and submit.

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