Research, Dissertation, and Oral History Grants from the Schlesinger Library, USA

Publish Date: Dec 08, 2015

Deadline: Feb 01, 2016

The Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America invites applicants for a variety of research grants that require use of its resources. Applications will be evaluated on the significance of the research and the project's potential contribution to the advancement of knowledge as well as its creativity in drawing on the library's holdings. The awards may be used to cover travel and living expenses, photocopying, and other incidental research expenses, but not for the purchase of durable equipment or travel to other sites for research.

The Schlesinger Library offers the following grants:


The Schlesinger Library invites Harvard undergraduates to do research in the library's collections by applying for competitive awards of up to $2,500. The research may be carried out in conjunction with a project for academic credit, although this is not required.


The Schlesinger Library invites postdoctoral or independent scholars whose research requires use of the library's collections to apply for research support. Grants of up to $3,000 will be given on a competitive basis.

Applicants must have a doctoral degree or equivalent research and writing experience. Priority will be given to those who have demonstrated research productivity and whose projects require use of materials available only at the Schlesinger Library. Non-US citizens are eligible but should contact the library regarding visas and other required paperwork prior to applying.


The Schlesinger Library invites scholars whose dissertation research requires use of the library's collections to apply for research support. Grants of up to $3,000 will be given on a competitive basis.

A brief report about work accomplished under the grant will be due no later than one year from the date of the award.

Applicants must have advanced to candidacy in a doctoral program from any college or university in a relevant field and have an approved dissertation topic. Priority will be given to those whose projects require use of materials available only at the Schlesinger Library. Non-US citizens are eligible but should contact the library regarding visas and other required paperwork prior to applying.


The Schlesinger Library invites scholars who are conducting oral history interviewsrelevant to the history of women or gender in the United States to apply for support of up to $3,000.

This grant stipulates that the interviews take place in accordance with guidelines of the Oral History Association, that consent is obtained from interviewees for their words to be viewed by researchers worldwide, and that true copies or transcripts of the original recording of the oral interviews, as well as copies of the consent forms, be deposited in the Schlesinger Library.

A brief report about work accomplished under the grant will be due no later than one year from the date of the award.

Non-US citizens are eligible but should contact the library regarding visas and other required paperwork prior to applying.


The New England Regional Fellowship Consortium offers grants to encourage projects that draw on the resources of 18 major cultural agencies.

How to Apply

Applicants must complete and submit the following materials:

  • Schlesinger Library grants application form (Download the file to your desktop and use your preferred PDF application to fill in the form and save it. Do not complete the form through your browser as the changes might not be saved.)
  • Additional materials
      • A project description (no longer than four double-spaced pages in 12-point font) indicating the purpose of the research, the Schlesinger Library holdings to be consulted, and the significance of these holdings to the project overall.
      • A résumé no more than two pages long.
      • Pforzheimer Fellowship Applicants only: A one-page bibliography of principal secondary sources consulted in designing the research.

Submit the application form and additional materials to slgrants@radcliffe.harvard.eduby the deadline of the specified grant. Additional materials should be submitted as a single PDF, arranged in the order listed above, using the following naming convention: lastname_grantname_year.pdf.

On the application form, applicants are required to submit the name of one reference who has agreed to send a supporting letter directly to the library by the deadline of the specified grant. Recommenders should send letters to the attention of the Schlesinger Library Grants Review Committee and email them as a PDF attachment


Applications for the Research Support Grants, Dissertation Grants, and Oral History Grants must be received by Friday, February 1, 2016. Awards will be announced by April 4, 2016, to be used for research at the library from July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017.

Applications for the Carol K. Pforzheimer Student Fellowships must be received by Friday, February 19, 2016. Awards will be announced by April 4, 2016, to be used for research at the library from July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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