Photojournalism Competition - Women facing War 2016

Publish Date: Apr 22, 2016

Deadline: Jun 01, 2016

In collaboration with Visa Pour L'Image, the ICRC Delegation in France is inviting photojournalists to submit their work for the "6 th Visa d'Or Humanitaire competition" before June 1st, 2016.

The award, which was founded in 2011 and has prize money of 8000 euros funded by the ICRC.

The Theme of this year is "Women facing War"

Rules of the contest

Humanitarian Visa d’or award International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Article 1

ICRC's Delegation in France, international organization located in Paris 75014 – 10 bis passage d'Enfer - organizes a contest called "Humanitarian Visa d’or award - ICRC", open to professional photographers attached to press agencies or medias and to independent professional photographers.

Article 2

The contest is open to professional photographers attached to press agencies or medias and to independent professional photographers. The present regulation has been sent to them by e-mail or by mail, and they are in charge of disseminating it to those authorized to compete according to the present regulation.

Article 3

The winner will be selected for his photo report revealing the issues women face in war. The jury will pay specific attention to stories highlighting certain topics as for instance sexual violence against women, women becoming head of families because the men are away fighting, have been imprisoned or killed, or also the situation of female combatants.

Article 4

Any report shot more than 2 years ago will not be accepted, because it would not be sufficiently linked to current events.

Article 5

The participation to this contest automatically involves the free transfer of the proprietary rights of these photographs to ICRC and Visa pour l’Image – Perpignan in connection with the promotion of this reward (the organizers of this contest agree to mention the name of the photographer every time the photographs are used). ICRC will use at least one photo of its choice of the winner and free of charge for the communication in print media in connection with the promotion of the "Humanitarian Visa d’or award - ICRC".

Article 6

Each participant may present a report containing between 7 and 10 photographs. Each participant is allowed to present one report only. Should the report include less than 7 photographs or more than 10, the participant will be automatically eliminated of the contest.

Article 7

This application file must include: 1. The application form, duly signed. 2. A curriculum vitae. 3. A Photo report on CD containing two files : - 1 file with low resolution pictures (max seize : 3Mb). JPG only. - 1 file with high resolution pictures, TIFF (10 Mb), in order to print in case of you should be the winner. - The pictures must be named and numbered in the desired order. 4. A word page with a text, of maximum 15 lines, that presents the subject, the date and the place where the pictures were taken, with no mention of any name or agency. 5. A word page with the photos’ captions (maximum 2-3 lines each) with the corresponding numbers. 6. You could also send Files via WeTransfer to this email address : NB1: For the documents 4 and 5, the photographer’s contact info must be mentioned on the back of the page. NB2: Should the CDs not be in accordance with these technical specifications, they will be eliminated.

Article 8

Modified or digitally manipulated picture will be eliminated.

Article 9

The pictures shall be sent by regular postal mail or DHL, FEDEX, etc. with the mention “sample with no commercial value” in order to avoid the custom taxes and delays. Shall the sending mention a commercial value, it will not be accepted by the organizers. The pictures must be postmarked at the latest by June 1st, 2016 and sent to the following address: "Humanitarian Visa d’or award - ICRC" - Délégation du CICR en France – 10 bis passage d'Enfer – 75014 Paris – France NB: The application files and the CDs will not be sent back to the participants.

Article 10

The organizers of the contest are committed to respect the confidentiality of the participants. The judges’ deliberations shall be confidential. The judges’ decisions are final. In the case of ties, the president’s vote will prevail. The judges may choose not to award a prize if they determine that such a prize is not warranted.

Article 11

The story will be displayed at the “VISA POUR L’IMAGE” - Perpignan from August 27th to September 11th, 2016 along with the "Humanitarian Visa d’or award - ICRC" touring exhibitions in France and abroad. The winner and the other selected participants allow the use of their pictures for the needs of the Visa Pour l’Image Festival in Perpignan from August 27th to September 11th, 2016, the exhibitions organized in connection with the "Humanitarian Visa d’or award - ICRC" and the broadcasting on the web sites mentioned in the article 5. The winner and the other selected participants commit themselves to donate their exhibition pictures to ICRC for the organization of other exhibitions.

Article 12

The winner will be chosen in June 2016 by the panel and shall be informed of this decision within three days following the selection. The winner is committed to be present for the press conference and the awarding of his prize, due on September 1st 2016 in Perpignan for the 28th “Visa pour l’Image” international festival of photojournalism. Should the winner be absent, he will be deprived of all his rights and shall not be entitled to claim any payment or dispensation.

Article 13

If the photographer is related to a press agency or a media entity, they are invited to promote the "HUMANITARIAN VISA D'OR – ICRC" during the Perpignan festival as well as on their communication supports for the reference year.

Article 14

If all or part of the contest is cancelled or postponed as a result of unforeseen circumstances, the participants shall not be entitled to claim any damage.

Article 15

The winner will receive a prize amounting to 8 000 €. The present contest rules are registered at the notaries public, Maîtres François Samain and Philippe Ricard, Huissiers de Justice associés, located 31-33 rue Deparcieux - 75014 Paris who guarantees the compliance with these rules. The only applicable law is French law. Only the rule written in French is deemed authentic in any dispute related to the contest.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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