Newberry Library Exchange Joint Fellowship, UK

Publish Date: Oct 31, 2016

Deadline: Dec 15, 2016

Application to the Newberry/Rylands Joint Fellowship is now open

The Newberry Library-John Rylands Research Institute Exchange Fellowship provides two months of support for a scholar to be in residence for one month at the Newberry Library in Chicago and an additional month in residence at the John Rylands Library in Manchester, England. The proposed project must link the collections of both libraries; applicants should plan to hold the two fellowships sequentially to ensure continuity of research. All application materials should be submitted to the Newberry, but applications will be reviewed by both institutions. The stipend will be $2,500 per month at the Newberry, £1,500 at the John Rylands Library, plus an additional $1,000 (or the equivalent in English pounds) for travel.
Short-Term Fellowships are available to postdoctoral scholars, PhD candidates, and those who hold other terminal degrees.

The deadline for short-term opportunities is 15 December 2016.

For more information, including application guidelines and additional fellowship opportunities, please visit the Newberry's fellowship page. Questions about the application process should be addressed to
Closing date for applications is 15 December 2016.

The Newberry Library’s long-standing fellowship program was created to provide outstanding scholars with the time, space, and community required to pursue innovative and ground-breaking scholarship. In addition to our intriguing and often rare materials, we promise fellows access to a lively, interdisciplinary community of researchers; individual consultations with staff curators, reference librarians, and other scholars; and an array of both scholarly and public programs–all of which will contribute to your ability to advance scholarship in your field, develop new interpretations, and expand our understanding of the past in ways that can help us better understand the present.

We invite interested individuals who wish to utilize the Newberry’s collection to apply for our many fellowship opportunities:

  • Long-Term Fellowships are available for 4 to 12 months; applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM CST on November 15. These fellowships are generally available without regard to an applicant’s place of residence and are intended to support significant works of scholarship that draw on the strengths of the Newberry’s collection.
  • Short-Term Fellowships are available for 1 to 2 months; applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM CST on December 15. These fellowships are intended to assist researchers who need to examine specific items in the Newberry’s collection. These “travel-to-collection” grants are mainly restricted to individuals who live outside of the Chicago metropolitan area.

Eligibility Guidelines

  • Postdoctoral scholars are eligible for all Long-Term Fellowships except the École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellowship and all Short-Term Fellowships except NCAIS Graduate Student and Lawrence Lipking Fellowships.
  • Tenured scholars are eligible for all Long-Term Fellowships except the École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellowship and Monticello College Foundation Fellowship for Women. They are eligible for all Short-Term Fellowships except the NCAIS Graduate Student, Lawrence Lipking, and Frances C. Allen Fellowships.
  • PhD candidates are eligible for the École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellowship and for all Short-Term Fellowships except Cappon, IES, and Weinberg Fellowships. PhD Candidates are not eligible for any Long-Term Fellowships except the École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellowship.
  • Other graduate students pursuing terminal master’s degrees in non-PhD awarding programs are eligible for all Short-Term Fellowships except Cappon, IES, and Weinberg Fellowships.
  • Only women are eligible for Monticello College Foundation Fellowship for Women and Frances C. Allen Fellowship.

Academic Rank Definitions

  • postdoctoral scholar is anyone who has been awarded a PhD. If a fellowship requires an applicant to be postdoctoral, this status must be achieved by the application deadline. The Newberry will not consider applications from those who expect PhD completion after the application deadline.
  • PhD candidate is currently enrolled in a PhD program and has advanced to candidacy through approval of the dissertation proposal. This status is equivalent to an “ABD.” All graduate coursework, exams, and other relevant requirements must be completed before the application deadline. If a fellowship requires an applicant to be a PhD candidate, this status must be achieved by the application deadline and maintained in good standing through the tenure of the fellowship. The dissertation advisor must verify applicant’s ABD status in the letter of reference. The Newberry will not consider applications from those who expect PhD candidacy after the application deadline.
  • terminal master’s degree refers to fields in which the master’s is the highest degree achievable (examples include MFA, MLIS, MSW, etc.). Applicants pursuing a master’s degree in a field that does grant PhDs (history, literature, etc.) are not eligible for any Newberry fellowships.

Citizenship / Residency

  • United States citizens are eligible for all fellowships.
  • Permanent United States residents who have had at least three years of continuous residence in the U.S. are eligible for all fellowships.
  • Recent United States residents who have had less than three years of continuous residence in the U.S. are eligible for all fellowships except NEH.
  • Only citizens of American Indian heritage are eligible for the Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner and Frances C. Allen Fellowships.
  • Citizens of foreign nations are eligible for all fellowships except NEH.
  • Chicago-area residents are eligible for all Long-Term Fellowships and the Power/Tanner, Lipking, Weinberg, and Cappon Short-Term Fellowships but are ineligible for all other Short-Term Fellowships.
  • August 15, 2016 - The Newberry Library begins accepting applications for the upcoming academic year
  • November 15, 2016 - Deadline for Long-Term Fellowship applications
  • December 15, 2016 - Deadline for Short-Term applications
  • Mid-February 2017 - Long-Term Fellowship recipients notified
  • Mid-April 2017 - Short-Term Fellowship recipients notified

Please note:

  • If you are awarded a fellowship, you will have two weeks to accept the award and select your dates of residence.

  • Fellowships awarded for the 2017-18 academic year must be continuous and should occur between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018.

  • Long-Term Fellowships of 4 or 5 months should occur primarily during the academic year, which we construe as September through May.

Required Materials

Unless otherwise specified in a specific fellowship description, an application consists of five elements: the fellowship application webform, a project abstract, a project description, a CV, and three letters of reference. These elements are described in detail below. Please upload the appropriate materials to the webform when prompted.

1. The Webform, which asks for personal contact information, project materials, and contact information for each of the three references. Scholars applying for both Long- and Short-Term Fellowships must complete each application webform separately.

2. A Project Abstract of no more than 300 words. The abstract should communicate the significance of the project to the review panel. Each year, the review panel consists of several humanities scholars who will not necessarily be specialists in the area of inquiry.

3. A Project Description of no more than 1,500 words. The project description should describe:

  • your project and its significance in approximately 1,000 words. When appropriate, make specific reference to previously published scholarship in the field that will be revised or supplanted by your proposed project;
  • the ways the Newberry’s collections will be especially relevant to your project and an outline of your plan of work in approximately 500 words. You should describe key archival holdings at the Newberry (and elsewhere), as well as key secondary sources that inform your project. If the materials you wish to consult are also available online or elsewhere, the burden is on the applicant to explain how access to physical materials and/or variant editions will be advantageous to your research. This is especially important for short-term fellowship applications which are intended as travel-to-collections grants. You should also briefly explain your interest in a residential fellowship, indicating what you hope to gain from, and contribute to, the Newberry’s community of scholars.

  • Bibliographies and works cited documents are not required. If you choose to include one, please limit the length to one page.

Please note that applicants for the École Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellowships, the Renaissance Society of America Fellowship, the Renaissance Society of America/Kress Foundation Fellowship, the American Council of Learned Societies Felllowship, the ACM/GCLA Faculty Fellowship, or the NLUS Faculty Fellowship should follow the specific instructions included in each fellowship’s description.

4. A current Curriculum Vitae (CV) of no more than five pages. Please use the following commonly accepted terms to describe any forthcoming publications:

  • “in progress” (not yet completed or submitted)
  • “submitted” (currently under review at a journal or press)
  • “accepted” (contracted for publication; currently under revision)
  • “in press” (in the hands of copy editor, typesetter, or printer)

5. Three Letters of Reference. These letters are required by the same deadline as all other application materials. Letters must be submitted via the Letter of Reference Webform. Applicants are responsible for contacting their recommenders to ensure that letters are submitted by the application deadline; recommenders will not receive a prompt or link from the Newberry. We will not accept more than three letters of reference for any application.

Please note that The Newberry will not accept applications which include any materials in excess of the required materials. Excessive materials include, but are not limited to:

  • Images (either embedded or in appendices)
  • Abstract or project description exceeding the word limit
  • Appendices/bibliography exceeding the word limit
  • CVs longer than the five-page limit
  • Personal cover letter
  • Audio-visual materials
  • More than three letters of reference

For more information click "Further official information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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