Library Research Grants, The Getty Foundation, USA

Publish Date: Oct 15, 2015

Deadline: Sep 15, 2015

Library Research Grants

Getty Library Research Grants provide partial, short-term support for costs relating to travel and living expenses for scholars whose research requires use of specific collections housed in the Getty Research Institute. A Library Research Grant is not a prerequisite for obtaining access to the Research Library -


Library Research Grants are intended for scholars of all nationalities and at any level who demonstrate a compelling need to use materials housed in the Research Library, and whose place of residence is more than eighty miles from the Getty Center. Projects must relate to specific items in the library collection. (To search the collections, please consult the Research Library's Search Tools and Databases -


Library Research Grants are intended to provide partial support for costs relating to travel and living expenses. Grants range from $500 to $2,500, depending on the distance traveled. The research period may range from several days to a maximum of three months. These terms apply as of August 2015 and are subject to future changes. Additional information about the terms of these grants is available here -

Application Availability and Deadline

Complete application materials are now accepted through an online application process only. The next deadline for these grants is October 15, 2015.


Applicants are notified of the Research Institute's decision approximately six weeks to two months following the deadline.

Unsuccessful applicants are still welcome to use the Research Library in accordance with its access policy -

For Research Library appointments and reference assistance, please call (310) 440-7390 or contact the GRI -

Special Information on the Photo Archive

The grant selection committee welcomes applications for researchers wishing to consult the Getty Research Institute's unique resources, including the Photo Archive. Two million photographs of works of art and architecture in the Photo Archive provide opportunities for original pictorial research in the fine arts, including the history of photography. For more information, visit the Photo Archive - Web page.

How To Apply

Applicants are required to complete and submit the online Library Research Grant application form (which includes uploading a Project Proposal; Curriculum Vitae; Selected Bibliography of Research Library Collections you wish to consult; and Proposed Estimated Travel Costs) by 5:00 p.m. PDT, October 15, 2015. Two letters of recommendation are also required for this application (see Letters of Recommendation below).

For the best user experience, we strongly recommend use of the Google Chrome browser. You may also use Firefox or Safari. The Internet Explorer 11 (IE) browser is not fully compatible with our portal.

Begin a New Application -
Create or update your account and password, log in, and begin a new application.

You may return to your work at any time by visiting the portal at the link above and logging into your account.

  1. Project Proposal (not to exceed three pages, typed and double-spaced): This statement should include a description of your proposed research project during your visit here; an explanation of your project's current state of development (that is, a new project, a work in progress, a project nearing completion); and a description of what you expect to accomplish at the Research Library. Do notinclude your bibliography here - see item 3 below.

  2. Curriculum Vitae

  3. Selected Bibliography of Getty Research Institute collections: Cite collections or other resources housed in the Research Library that are important to your proposed research project and that you wish to consult during your visit. Please review the Research Library's Search Tools and Databases - to search for material of interest; please list citations in a recognized style manual format, such as the Chicago Manual of Style or equivalent.

    Special information regarding the use of audio/visual materials: If you wish to consult audio/visual materials, some or all of the items may require reformatting before they can be made available to you. Reformatting may take up to three months and is subject to approval based on the condition of the original materials.

    If your grant request is approved, we will submit a request for reformatting on your behalf, where necessary. However, please be aware that the subject content of the originals or the copies has not been analyzed or verified. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the originals, or their copies, will contain the "performances" you need.

    Please provide an itemized list of all audio/visual materials you wish to consult. Since we may not be able to reformat all of the items requested, we ask that you please prioritize your list so that we can be sure that the items of greatest research value to you are completed prior to your arrival.

  4. Proposed Estimated Travel Costs: The Library Research Grants Committee requests a breakdown of your estimated expenses in order to assist it in making equitable decisions for partial support to those scholars who have been awarded grants.


As part of this application you will request that two confidential letters of recommendation be forwarded by your recommenders through the system by October 15, 2015. You will be prompted to enter the names and emails of your references as you fill out the application form. A link will then be sent to them automatically that will allow them to upload their confidential recommendations. Recommenders should attach a scanned original letter to the e-mail. Once you request this information you will be able to monitor your account to confirm that the letters have been submitted.

Please Note: Once you have created and saved an application form, be sure to continue to work on the same form by selecting the "Applications: In Progress" link. Do not create a duplicate application or your letters of reference may not be associated with your final submission.


Please address inquiries to the following:

Attn: Library Research Grants
Phone: (310) 440-7374

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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