Kroc Institute Visiting Research Fellowships 2018, University of Notre Dame, USA

Publish Date: Sep 13, 2017

Deadline: Dec 11, 2017

Apply for Visiting Research Fellowships

Each year, the Kroc Institute’s Visiting Research Fellows Program brings outstanding scholars focused on peace research to the University of Notre Dame for a semester or a full academic year. The Institute particularly seeks scholars who will actively integrate their research with ongoing Kroc research initiatives.

Applications for the 2018-2019 academic year are now available for the following areas:

  • Gender and Conflict/Peacebuilding
  • Conflict-related Migration and Diaspora Communities
  • Peace Studies with a geographical focus on South and/or East Asia
  • Peace Studies (open)

Gender and Conflict/Peacebuilding

The Kroc Institute invites scholars with significant experience conducting research on the intersection of gender, conflict, and peacebuilding to apply for a Visiting Research Fellowship.

Although we will consider a range of proposals, the Kroc Institute is especially interested in proposals that:

  • Take an interdisciplinary approach and employ qualitative, participatory, and/or feminist methodology
  • Address issues beyond “women's rights” including masculinity, identity, power, representation, or intersectionality with race, ethnicity, and/or class, and conceptualize gender-based violence to include structural violence and marginalization
  • Demonstrate clear connections to Peace Studies and value added to existing expertise at the Kroc Institute on topics including social change, development, transitional justice, and religion or towards ongoing projects such as the Peace Accords Matrix (PAM) or the Contending Modernities project and its working group on Gender, State, and Society

The candidate should offer a clear and concise description of the research project, its significance, why the Kroc Institute is an ideal place for the researcher to complete a fellowship, and how the project will contribute to and build on existing research in the subfield of gender and conflict/peacebuilding.

Conflict-related Migration and Diaspora Communities

The Kroc Institute invites scholars who focus on the study of diaspora and migrant communities and their complex relationships to national conflicts and potential peacebuilding processes in their “homelands.”  Although we will consider the full range of proposals, the Kroc Institute is particularly interested in research that will focus on:

  • Theorizing the intersections between scholarship on immigration/migration, diaspora nationalism, cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism, and conflict and peace
  • Conceptualizing the diasporas as potential spaces for conflict transformation and peacebuilding processes

The candidate should offer a clear and concise description of the research project, its significance, why the Kroc Institute is an ideal place for the researcher to complete a fellowship, and how the project will contribute to and build on existing research in the subfield of migration, diaspora and conflict/peacebuilding.

Peace Studies (open)

The Kroc Institute also invites proposals from scholars in any discipline who seek to pursue research in any aspect of peace studies. The Institute is particularly interested in research that will integrate with or complement ongoing research efforts by facultyor research programs at the Kroc Institute. 

Strong proposals will offer a clear and concise description of a research project, identify faculty research and initiatives at the Kroc Institute that will be enhanced by the project, and explain how the research will benefit the field of peace studies.  

Peace Studies with a geographical focus on South or East Asia

The Kroc Institute partners with the Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies and invites proposals from scholars in any discipline to pursue any aspect of peace studies with a geographical focus on South or East Asia. Proposals that will integrate with or complement ongoing research efforts by faculty and research projects conducted at one or both Institutes are particularly welcomed.  Strong proposals will offer a clear and concise description of a research project, identify faculty research and initiatives at the Kroc Institute and/or the Liu Institute that will be enhanced by the project, and explain how the research will benefit the fields of Peace Studies and Asian Studies. Recipients of this fellowship will be expected to participate in the intellectual life of both Institutes.

How to Apply

Applications for the 2018-2019 academic year will be available beginning in September 2017 with a deadline of December 11, 2017

Applicants must have completed a doctoral degree. If you are currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program, you must have completed your doctoral degree before the beginning of the fellowship. If you have been a Kroc Visiting Research Fellow, please wait 7 years before applying again.

Fellowships begin at the start of the University of Notre Dame’s semester (August or January) and can run for one semester or an academic year. Junior (untenured) fellows receive a stipend of $25,000 per semester; senior (tenured) fellows receive $30,000 per semester. Housing is provided in furnished Institute apartments at no cost. Fellows have library and Internet access and document retrieval services.

A complete application consists of:

  • The Visiting Research Fellows Application Form. You will be asked to choose "Gender and Conflict/Peacebuilding", “Peace Studies” (open), "Conflict-related Migration and Diaspora Communities" or "Peace Studies with a geographical focus on South or East Asia."
  • An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae
  • Research project proposal (maximum 10 pages) that concisely describes the basic elements of the research project (sources, data and analysis), a timetable, and expected products
  • A bibliography listing citations relevant to your proposed research
  • Two letters of recommendation.

A Kroc Institute faculty committee reviews the applications and makes the selections. Selection criteria include evidence of academic excellence; clarity of the link to existing research emphases; and anticipation of participation in the intellectual life of the Institute. Results will be announced in March.

If you have further questions about the application process, please contact:

Lisa Gingerich, (574) 631-9370,

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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