The Foundation invites You to submit your project ideas for consideration by completing an Online Funding Inquiry (OFI). OFIs are reviewed during specific times of the year. In some years, OFI deadlines are tied to the size of the financial request.
Small Grants
Small Grants are defined as requests for $217,400 (USD) or less. The threshold for small grants was established by the Foundation’s Charter and is adjusted periodically for inflation. The final small OFI deadline for 2016 is November 30 with decisions communicated by December 30. The small OFI deadline for 2017 is August 31 with decisions communicated no later than the end of September. Please note that while the Foundation is committed to providing a decision by the specified dates, we may review and decision an OFI early depending upon staff workload.
The Full Proposal stage for small grants is not governed by any specific calendar. Instead, staff will invite Full Proposals with customized due dates that are influenced by the project’s anticipated start date, the internal workload of staff, and budget considerations.
Small Grants Calendar
2016 Cycle 4 OFI Deadline - November 30, 2016, 2017 Cycle - August 31, 2017
2016 Cycle 4 OFI Decision - December 30, 2016, 2017 Cycle - September 29, 2017
2016 Cycle 4 FP Deadline - Variable, 2017 Cycle - Variable
2016 Cycle 4 Funding Decision - Variable, 2017 Cycle - Variable
Large Grants
Large Grants are defined as requests for more than $217,400 (USD). The threshold for large grants was established by the Foundation’s Charter and is adjusted periodically for inflation. The large OFI deadline for 2017 is August 31 with decisions communicated no later than the end of September.
The Full Proposal for all large grants will be due by January of the following year. All funding decisions for large grants will be communicated by early June.
Large Grants Calendar
2017 Cycle
OFI Deadline - August 31, 2017
OFI Decision - September 29, 2017
FP Deadline - January 31, 2018
Funding Decision - June 8, 2018
About The Foundation
The John Templeton Foundation serves as a philanthropic catalyst for discoveries relating to the Big Questions of human purpose and ultimate reality. We support research on subjects ranging from complexity, evolution, and infinity to creativity, forgiveness, love, and free will. We encourage civil, informed dialogue among scientists, philosophers, and theologians and between such experts and the public at large, for the purposes of definitional clarity and new insights.
Our vision is derived from the late Sir John Templeton's optimism about the possibility of acquiring “new spiritual information” and from his commitment to rigorous scientific research and related scholarship. The Foundation's motto, "How little we know, how eager to learn," exemplifies our support for open-minded inquiry and our hope for advancing human progress through breakthrough discoveries.
The John Templeton Foundation is not a religious organization. In addition, as a private foundation in the U.S., the John Templeton Foundation does not engage in prohibited political activities, such as: (1) endorsing or opposing candidates for elective offices, (2) making contributions to candidates, political parties or PACs of any kind, and (3) endorsing or opposing legislation or legislative action that is prohibited.
For more information please click on "Further official information" below.
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