International Winter School­­­­ - Comparative Studies in Adult Education & Lifelong Learning, 5 - 16 February 2018, Germany

Publish Date: Jun 14, 2017

Comparative Studies in Adult Education & Lifelong Learning

The international Winter School “Comparative Studies on Adult Education and Lifelong Learning“ is dedicated to analysing and comparing international and European strategies in lifelong learning. Based on social policy models, lifelong learning strategies in Europe, including selected European countries, will be subject of a critical analysis. Furthermore, subtopics of lifelong learning have been chosen for an in-depth comparison and analysis of the situation in various European countries. 

During the first part of the Winter School, theories and approaches will be used for analysing European and international lifelong learning strategies. The programme features direct interactions with key European stakeholders in lifelong learning. Furthermore, local providers of adult and continuing education in Würzburg will be visited. The interaction will lead to a critical analysis and a comparison of lifelong learning strategies, as well as to a theory and practice reflection on international policies in lifelong learning.

The second part of the Winter School will focus on the comparison of certain subtopics of lifelong learning in selected countries: How does the training of trainers vary in different countries? How does participation in adult education differ in various European countries? How do quality systems vary in different countries? Which differences and similarities can be found in the policies towards lifelong learning in certain countries? What conclusions can be drawn out of these differences and similarities? Questions of adult education and lifelong learning will be compared. The discussed questions within adult education will refer to learning processes of adults and the integration of them into diverse (educational) contexts. In an international context – especially within international organisations – one can find the term lifelong learning, which is frequently associated with adult learning. The Winter School will look on questions and discourses of lifelong learning from the perspective of adult education.

The programme is oriented towards master and doctoral students from Europe and beyond. The main focus is on students who are enrolled in study programmes close to adult education and lifelong learning. Additionally, we welcome interdisciplinary approaches as well.

Financial support

This project is funded with support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) within the Programme "Sommerschulen" (project number 57248567), with funds from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) within the Programme "Indo-German Partnerships in Higher Education", the European Commission within the ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships (project number: 2015-1-DE01-KA203-002203; project grant: 329.019 EUR; from 01.09.2015 until 30.08.2015)* and the Julius-Maximilian-University Würzburg within the Human Dynamics Center (HDC) of the Faculty of Human Sciences.

*This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Contact persons for the COMPALL Project at the JMU Würzburg are  Prof. Dr. Regina Egetenmeyer (phone: +49 931 31 83898; mail: ,Jenny Fehrenbacher, M.A. and Monika Staab, B.A. (phone: +49 931 31 83337; mail:, Stefanie Kröner, M.A. (phone: +49  931 31 86726; mail: .

Dieses Projekt wird durch den Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) aus Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amtes (Projekt 57248567), durch den Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) im Rahmen des Programms "Deutsch-Indische Partnerschaften", die Europäische Kommission im Rahmen von ERASMUS+ Strategische Partnerschaften (Projekt 2015-1-DE01-KA203-002203; Fördersumme: 329.019 EUR; Laufzeit: 01.09.2015 bis 30.08.2015)* und die Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg durch das Human Dynamics Center (HDC) der Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften .

*Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung liegt allein bei den AutorInnen, die Kommission kann für die Information nicht verantwortlich gemacht werden. Kontaktpersonen für COMPALL sind Prof. Dr. Regina Egetenmeyer (Tel:. +49 931 31 83898; Mail:, Jenny Fehrenbacher, M.A. and Monika Staab, B.A. (Tel.: +49 931 31 83337; Mail:, Stefanie Kröner, M.A. (Tel.: +49  931 31 86726; Mail:

Application & scholarships

Requirements for application

For participating in the Winter School, a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in a subject with relation tolifelong learning (e.g. a Bachelor degree in education) forms the minimum requirement.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2017

For students from COMPALL-Partner-Universities: October 30, 2017

German applicants

For the online application you are required to provide us with PDF or JPG files (each max. 1 MB):

  1. Certificate of matriculation or enrollement at your home university or confirmation of your supervisor on your PhD studies or copy of your student ID including valid start start and end dates of matriculation
  2. German or English CV including the following information: (a) Study phase (semester) and research focus (b) Study performance, voluntary work, relevant knowledge and practical experience in adult education
  3. Letter of recommendation of a university professor with experience in questions related to lifelong learning including a confirmation of your english language skills (min. B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) as well as your academic performance in a field of adult education and lifelong learning.

Applicants from the MA or PhD education at the JMU Würzburg, please register at sb@home

Applicants from Helmut-Schmidt University Hamburg, please contact Prof. Sabine Schmidt-Lauff concerning participation and scholarships

European applicants

For the online application you are required to provide us with PDF or JPG files (each max. 1 MB):

  1. Certificate of matriculation or enrollement at your home university or confirmation of your supervisor on your PhD studies or copy of your student ID including valid start start and end dates of matriculation
  2. German or English CV including the following information: (a) Study phase (semester) and research focus (b) Study performance, voluntary work, relevant knowledge and practical experience in adult education
  3. Letter of recommendation of a university professor with experience in questions related to lifelong learning including a confirmation of your english language skills (min. B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) as well as your academic performance in a field of adult education and lifelong learning.
  4. Scan of the application form with your own signature (Download)
  5. Scan of your passport or national ID
  6. Scan of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), only if you are below 30 years of age
  7. Photograph in passport size

MA and PhD students are warmly invited to apply for a travel and subsistence scholarship according to the lump sums of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The scholarship would be paid during your arrival in Würzburg via electronic payment, therefore we require your correct IBAN and BIC code. Please understand that the electronic payment may take some days to be transferred. If you are eligible for a scholarship you would be obliged to participate in the full two weeks programme. Criteria for the distribution of the scholarships are announced at our website.

We are happy to support research associates at European universities in organising an ERASMUS+ teaching mobility and/or staff mobility, which would be funded over the international office of your university. For this purpose, please contact us.

Applicants from COMPALL partner universities, please contact your local coordinator concerning scholarships:

  • Aarhus University (Denmark): Prof. Søren Ehlers
  • University of Pécs (Hungary): Prof. Balázs Németh
  • University of Florence (Italy): Prof. Vanna Boffo
  • University of Padova (Italy): Prof. Monica Fedeli
  • University of Lisbon (Portugal): Prof. Paula Guimaraes

Non-European applicants

For the online application you are required to provide us with PDF or JPG files (each max. 1 MB):

  1. Certificate of matriculation or enrollement at your home university or confirmation of your supervisor on your PhD studies or copy of your student ID including valid start start and end dates of matriculation
  2. German or English CV including the following information: (a) Study phase (semester) and research focus (b) Study performance, voluntary work, relevant knowledge and practical experience in adult education
  3. Letter of recommendation of a university professor with experience in questions related to lifelong learning including a confirmation of your english language skills (min. B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) as well as your academic performance in a field of adult education and lifelong learning.
  4. Scan of the application form with your own signature (Download)
  5. Scan of your passport or national ID
  6. Scan of the AOK insurance form, only if you are you are below 30 years of age
  7. Photograph in passport size

MA and PhD students are warmly invited to apply for a travel and subsistence scholarship according to the lump sums of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The scholarship would be paid during your arrival in Würzburg in cash. If you are eligible for a scholarship you would be obliged to participate in the full two weeks programme. Criteria for the distribution of the scholarships are announced at our website .

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

Further Official Information

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