The organizer and service center of the Innsbruck Nature Film Festival (INFF) is the Tiroler Umweltanwaltschaft (Environmental Ombuds Office Tirol), Government of the Tyrol, Meranerstraße 5, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria;
In terms of subject matter, the films submitted must deal with the topic of nature and/or environment.
Only films in German or English language respectively with German or English subtitles are accepted.
2013 or later
The only acceptable formats for submitting contributions are DVD, Blu-Ray and the digital video formats of:
mpeg2, mp4, wmv, avi, mov
HD 1920 x 1080
The film can be submitted as digital copy, as preview copy on DVD or Blu-Ray, or as Digital Cinema Package (DCP) and must show the following data: title of the file, name of the applicant, length, and format
Only one film per director may be submitted. Also films are only allowed if they haven’t been submitted to the INFF before. Applicants can register for the event via the website or via mail to:
Tiroler Umweltanwaltschaft
Meranerstraße 5
6020 Innsbruck
Applicants can enter the contest only, if the Tiroler Umweltanwaltschaft has received the following, fully completed documents:
• fully completed and signed official application form
• labeled storage media / file upload
Deadline for applications
August 15, 2015
The material submitted will not be returned and will – especially for documentation purposes – be stored in the INFF archive.
SHORTS: max. 20’
ANIMATION: max. 20’
YOUNGSTERS<19: max 20’, up to 19 years
YOUNGSTERS<25: max 20’, up to 25 years
If there are less than 6 submissions in any category, the organizer reserves itself the right to move these films to another category.
Each participant is obliged and guarantees to submit only such fi lms for which he/she has the intellectual property rights. No third-party rights whatsoever may be violated. The participant is solely responsible if he or she violates potential copyrights or other rights of third parties (e.g., music, fi lm clips from other fi lm productions …). The participant is obliged to indemnify and hold harmless the Tiroler Umweltanwaltschaft – Government of the Tyrol as the organizer regarding any claims brought by a third party relating to this context.
Each participant gives his/her express consent that the submitted (fi lm)material is shown publicly and can be used in the context of the INFF.
For example, the winning fi lm will be linked as a stream on the website of the magazine GEO for the duration of approximately two weeks in connection with a report on the INFF.
Above and beyond that, the organiser of the INFF has no right to use the material submitted; all intellectual property rights and rights of use remain with the participant.
A participant will be excluded from the event, if his/ her fi lm includes racist, sexist, religiously degrading or infl ammatory content.
The participants‘ application data will be stored and processed for the purpose of organizing the event. The participant gives his/her consent that he/she receives e-mails with content pertaining to the event. Such mails will be sent exclusively by the organizer. Personal data will not be made available to third parties. The participant agrees to the publication of his/her name in relevant media used by the event (e.g. program brochure) and will be quoted as copyright owner / creator of the material.
For promotional purposes and media reports, and further public screenings in context with INFF the organizer can use and publish photos, film recordings of and interviews with the participant or the films submitted without the participant being entitled to compensation.
If the planned program of the event is changed or if the event is cancelled, the organizer has no obligation to pay damages to the participant. In the event of minor negligence, the organizer shall not be liable for property and financial damages.
In particular, the organizer shall not be liable for damages to the preview copies and materials sub- mitted.
The films submitted will be viewed and evaluated by a jury appointed by the organizer. Prize awards will be without recourse to courts of law. It is expressly stated at this point that the participant has no right to claim expenses or compensation for any other services.
If a provision of this agreement should become invalid, this does not affect the validity of the other contractual provisions.
Excluding conflicts of law, this agreement shall be governed exclusively by Austrian law. The place of jurisdiction and place of performance for all claims and disputes arising from and in connection with this agreement is the pertinent court of law in Innsbruck, Austria. This agreement does not establish or constitute any employment or corporate relationship between the participant and the organizer. This text is governed by Austrian law and shall be interpreted according to Austrian legal understanding. It is issued in German and English. In the case of differences between the German and English version, the German version has precedence.
By submitting his/her application for the INFF, a participant agrees to these terms of participation!
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: