Conf/Prog - Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Reformation Era, 18-21 July 2017, Germany

Publish Date: Apr 19, 2017

Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Reformation Era

A Joint Conference Organized by

Verein für Reformationsgeschichte & The Society for Reformation Research

Conference Schedule (Draft)

Tuesday, July 18

17:00 Reception Schöner Saal, Altes Rathaus, Rathauspl. 2

  • Wine and pretzel reception with Dr. Klemens Gsell, Bürgermeister Nuremberg, followed by a tour of the Rathaus and the Medieval Lochgefängnisse Museum

Wednesday, July 19

8:00-8:30 Welcome and Opening Comments Eckstein 1.01


  • ANSELM SCHUBERT (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
  • THOMAS KAUFMANN (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), Verein für Reformationsgeschichte
  • DAVID WHITFORD (Baylor University), Society for Reformation Research

8:30-10:00 Plenary One Eckstein 1.01


  • MATTHIAS POHLIG (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) “Die Wahrnehmung des Islams im Europa des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Textsorten der Turcica und ihre Druckorte im Kontext der europäisch-osmanischen Beziehungen”
  • ALMUT HÖFERT (Universität Zürich) “The Renaissance Crusade: Turks and Persians at the Papal Court”
  • MARGARET MESERVE (University of Notre Dame)

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break

10:30-12:00 Session One

1A: Europeans in the Ottoman World Eckstein 1.01


  • OTFRIED CZAIKA (Norwegian School of Theology) “Anglo-Sephardic Relations in Constantinople, 1585 to 1597”
  • DANIEL J. BAMFORD (Independent Scholar) “The Protestant Reformation and the Confrontation Between Faiths: The Ottoman Empire as a Case Study (17th- 18th Century)”
  • FELICITA TRAMONTANA (University of Warwick) “Intra-Islamic Challenges as an Eurasian Phenomenon?”
  • CHRISTIANE CZYGAN (Bundeswehruniversität München)

1B: Comparison of Confessional Groups Eckstein E.01/a


  • CHRISTOPH STROHM (Universität Heidelberg) “Wie die Heiden—wie die Papisten. Religiöse Polemik und Vergleiche vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Konfessionalisierung” (Part I)
  • SITA STECKEL (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) “Wie die Heiden—wie die Papisten. Religiöse Polemik und Vergleiche vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Konfessionalisierung” (Part II)
  • CHRISTINA BRAUNER (Universität Bielefeld) “,Die newe Judaszunfft’ und ‚die lutherischen Machometisten’ – Synonymisierung der Evangelischen mit Juden und Muslimen in jesuitischen Predigten und Schauspielen des 16./17. Jahrhunderts als Modus eines konfessionellen Sündenbockmechanismus”
  • JOACHIM WERZ (Universität Tübingen)

1C: Creating Separation Eckstein E.01/b


  • AMY NELSON BURNETT (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) “Whose ‘Holy Land’? The Contested Representation of Israel/ Palestine in Early Modern Cosmographies and Regional Maps”
  • JEFFREY JAYNES (Methodist Theological School in Ohio) “Cum nimis absurdum: Jews and the Urbanism of Oppression in Early Modern Europe”
  • MATTHEW KNOX AVERETT (Creighton University) “Perception of the Lost Tribes and the Reformation of the World (16th-17th centuries)”
  • JOSÉ ALBERTO R. SILVA TAVIM (Centro de História, Universidade de Lisboa) (draft 3/5/2017)

12:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Session Two

2A: Living with Religious Minorities Eckstein 1.01


  • MARKUS WRIEDT (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main) “Jews and Lutherans: Two Successful Religious Minorities in Early Modern Amsterdam”
  • SABINE HIEBSCH (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) “Christliche Obrigkeiten, christliche Bevölkerungen und die jüdische Minderheit in der Reichsstadt Nürnberg 1500-1670”
  • STEFAN EHRENPREIS (Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck) “Judaism and Jews in Early Danish Protestantism”
  • TARALD RASMUSSEN (University of Oslo)

2B: Discourses on Religious Diversity Eckstein E.01/a


  • NICHOLAS TERPSTRA (University of Toronto) “The Confessionalization of Plague: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Early Modern Plague Discourse”
  • CHARLES D. GUNNOE (Aquinas College) “Skepticism, Interreligious Dialogue and Sexuality in Reformation Europe”
  • UMBERTO GRASSI (ARC Center of Excellence for the History of Emotions, University of Sydney) “Gefahren für Seele, Geldbeutel und Gemeinwohl: Juden und Osmanen als ökonomische Drohbilder der Reformationszeit”
  • HIRAM KÜMPER (Universität Mannheim)

2C: Mutual Influences Eckstein E.01/b


  • BRIAN C. BREWER (Baylor University) “Islamic Influence in the Establishment of Reformed Protestantism in the Dutch East Indies in the Early Seventeenth Century”
  • YUDHA THIANTO TJONDROWARDOJO (Trinity Christian College) “A Productive Misunderstanding? Reassessing the History of Iberian Christian Hebraism against Confessional Frameworks, 1514-1650”
  • JESÚS DE PRADO PLUMED (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) “‘Jewish’ Muslims in Reformation-Era Rhetoric”
  • DAVID M. FREIDENREICH (Colby College)

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:30 Plenary Two Eckstein 1.01


  • MARJORIE ELIZABETH PLUMMER (Western Kentucky University) “The Rabbinate and Jewish Communal Structures in Reformation Germany”
  • DEAN BELL (Spertus Institute) “Lokale Koexistenz von Juden und Christen: Alltagspraktiken und Konflikte”
  • SABINE ULLMANN (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) 19:00 Conference Dinner (Optional) Marientorzwinger Restaurant Advance reservations required

Thursday, July 20

8:30-10:00 Plenary Three Eckstein 1.01


  • KASPAR VON GREYERZ (Universität Basel) “What Luther Could Have Known of Judaism”
  • STEPHEN BURNETT (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) “Christliche Kabbala. Transformationen der Religion zwischen Judentum und Christentum”
  • ANSELM SCHUBERT (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break (draft 3/5/2017)

10:30-12:00 Session Three

3A: Considering Other Religions Eckstein 1.01


  • WOLF-FRIEDRICH SCHÄUFELE (Philipps-Universität Marburg) “Islam through Confessional Eyes: European Orientalists in the Age of Reformation on the Sunni-Shi’a Divide”
  • ASAPH BEN-TOV (Forschungszentrum Gotha der Universität Erfurt) “Zwischen Altdorf und Jerusalem. Salomon Schweigger im Kontext der lutherischen Orientalistik um 1600”
  • ALEXANDER SCHUNKA (Freie Universität Berlin) “The Ethnographic Writing about the Jews and the Reformation”
  • YAACOV DEUTSCH (Hebrew University, Jerusalem and David Yellin College, Jerusalem)

3B: Religious Diversity and Boundaries Eckstein E.01/a


  • DAVID LUEBKE (University of Oregon) “The Scholarship of New Religious Movements as a Post-Christian Alternative to the Confessionalization Model of Religio-Political Change”
  • MICHAEL DRIEDGER (Brock University) “Experimenting with Religious Diversity: Anabaptists, Mennonites, Jews, and Muslims in the Dutch Republic, c. 1570 to c. 1630”
  • GARY WAITE (University of New Brunswick) “Spatial and Sensory Catechisms: Raising and Violating Boundaries between Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Reformation Italy”
  • NICHOLAS TERPSTRA (University of Toronto)

3C: The Other in Sermons Eckstein E.01/b


  • CHARLES D. GUNNOE (Aquinas College) “The Apocalypse in Sixteenth-Century Nuremberg and Prussia: Jews and Turks in Andreas Osiander’s World”
  • ANDREW L. THOMAS (Salem College) “Reformation Preaching and the Destruction of the Temple: Historical Jews as Examples for Christian Audiences”
  • PAUL STRAUSS (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) “Juden und Türken in Calvins Predigten: Metapher oder aktueller Bezug?”
  • GÖRGE K. HASSELHOFF (TU Dortmund/UA Barcelona)

12:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Plenary Four Eckstein 1.01


  • UTE LOTZ-HEUMANN (University of Arizona) “The Jewish Culture War in Nuremberg: Albrecht Dürer and Devotional Anti-Judaism”
  • DAVID PRICE (Vanderbilt University) “Ottoman imaginations of Christian Reformation politico-religious schisms”
  • CLAIRE NORTON (St. Mary's University)

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:30-18:30 Afternoon Break

Two optional tours in English will be offered (advance reservations required)

  • Reformation Nuremberg (Meeting at the entrance of Sebalduskirche)
  • Nuremberg in the Third Reich. The Reichsparteitagsgelände (Meeting Haltestelle Luitpoldhain, Straßenbahnlinie 9)

19:00-20:00 Public Lecture Kartäuserkirche/Germanisches Nationalmuseum


  • DANIEL HESS (Stellvertretender Direktor des Germanischen Nationalmuseums) “Judenfurcht und Türkenhoffnung—Christliche Sichtweisen auf die fremden Religionen”
  • THOMAS KAUFMANN (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)

20:15-21:00 Reception with Cash Bar

Friday, July 21

8:00-9:30 Plenary Five Eckstein 1.01


  • KATHRYN EDWARDS (University of South Carolina) “Embodiment and Religion: ‘Turks’ within the Holy Roman Empire”
  • CARINA JOHNSON (Pitzer College) “Interaction between Islamic and Canon Law: Testimony of Ottoman Appointment Documents for Orthodox Patriarchs”
  • HASAN ÇOLAK (Universiteit Leiden)

9:30-10:15 Coffee Break

10:15-12:00 Plenary Six Eckstein 1.01


  • IRENE DINGEL (Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte) “Jüdisch-christliche Endzeiterwartungen im Zeitalter der Reformation”
  • REBEKKA VOSS (Goethe University Frankfurt) “The Road to Armageddon: Islam and Eschatology in Luther and the Lutheran Tradition to 1700”
  • GREGORY MILLER (Malone University)

12:00-1:00 Concluding Remarks Eckstein 1.01


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