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CfP - ToR - Syrian Armenians Database Creation and Needs Assessment, GIZ, Yerevan

Publish Date: Aug 06, 2016

Deadline: Aug 29, 2016


GIZ intends to award contracts for the Syrian Armenians Database Creation and Needs Assessment. The detailed ToR of the assignment is attached to this Call for Proposals (see below).

If you are awarded the contract, you are not excluded from bidding for the implementation of the following project phase. However, a prerequisite for participation in a subsequent tender is that you do not benefit from your involvement in the previous contract and that the equal treatment of all bidders is ensured.

Submission deadline

If you are interested in performing this work, please submit a bid in two copies in accordance with the GIZ bidding conditions till 29.08.2016, 17:30 (date of receipt at GIZ).

Labelling of offer

Your bid, comprising the technical offer and the price offer, must be clearly marked as such and submitted as a package containing two envelopes. The price offer must always be separate from the technical offer and placed in a separate envelope. The envelope containing the price offer must be sealed and be labelled as follows:

Price offer from [please note sender] for: EISRA CoV 08/16
PN: 13.2144.7-007.00
– to be opened by Contracting department –

The technical offer must always be separate from the price offer and placed in a separate envelope. The envelope containing the technical offer must be sealed and be labelled as follows:

Technical offer from [please note sender] for: CoV 08/16
PN: 13.2144.7-007.00
– to be opened by Contracting department –

The outer package must be labelled as:

Bidding documents for: CoV 08/16
PN: 13.2144.7-007.00
– to be opened by Contracting department –

and be addressed to:

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Country Office Armenia
4/1 Baghramyan ave., Yerevan, Armenia

Please see the enclosed Terms of Reference for details of the content of your bid and the required quantities.

Price offer

The price offer must be submitted in AMD Personnel costs should be shown on the basis of days (generally working days).

Procedural questions
Please address any commercial, technical and procedural questions at an early stage. Questions will be answered if they are\ received at the latest two working days before the closing of the tender. Questions have to be raised in writing by email only to:

Mrs Angelika Sahakyan

Non-compliance may result in your bid not being considered.

Evaluation of Offer

We will evaluate the technical and price information in the received bids (see Annex). After the technical evaluation, only the price offers of bids with more than 500 points will be opened and evaluated. Technical offers below 500 points will be considered as technical not acceptable. The technical offer has a weighting of T: 70%, the price offer F: 30%. The following formula will be used:

technical evaluation of bid x T
technical evaluation of best bid
most economical bid x F
price of bid

The final result is an overall ranking, headed by the most cost-effective bid. Contract negotiations will be initiated on the basis of this overall ranking.

Please pay special attention to the booksheet “Explanations” in assessment grid!

Notification of intention to bid

Please notify within two days of despatch of our enquiry whether we can expect your bid, stating the transaction number in the subject heading of the email

Yours faithfully,

Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Angelika Sahakyan 
Contract Management
(electronically mailed without signature)

Ellada Martirosyan
Contract Management 

Terms of Reference
Evaluation grid for the technical assessment of bids

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