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Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Buddhist Studies 2019–2021, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Publish Date: Dec 24, 2018

Deadline: Feb 15, 2019

UC Berkeley Shinjo Ito Postdoctoral Fellowship in Buddhist Studies 2019–2021

Postdoctoral Scholar — Buddhism — Group in Buddhist Studies

With the generous support of the Shinnyo-en Foundation, the Program in Buddhist Studies at UC Berkeley is pleased to invite applications for a two-year full-time postdoctoral research-teaching fellowship. The term of the appointment is July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2021.

The Fellowship is intended to foster the academic careers of recent Ph.D.'s, providing time to pursue their research along with the opportunity to gain teaching experience. Fellows are expected to teach one course per year as a Lecturer under the auspices of the Group in Buddhist Studies. In addition, Fellows will give a public lecture on their research as part of the Center for Buddhist Studies Colloquium Series, and they are expected to take part in regular Center for Buddhist Studies events and workshops. We particularly welcome applicants whose research and teaching interests complement areas covered by Berkeley's Buddhist Studies faculty. Fellows will be provided with office space, library privileges, a salary of approximately $55,000 per annum (based on previous teaching experience), benefits, and $2,500 per annum in research/travel funds. Funding and administrative support is also available for Fellows to convene workshops and conferences in their area of research.

Applicants whose teaching and research interests are primarily in the area of Japanese Buddhism should apply to the Shinjo Ito Postdoctoral Fellowship in Japanese Buddhism, administered through the Center for Japanese Studies at UC Berkeley, rather than to the Shinjo Ito Fellowship in Buddhist Studies.

Applicants whose teaching and research interests are primarily in the area of Chinese Buddhism should apply to the Sheng Yen Postdoctoral Fellowship in Chinese Buddhism, also administered through the Center for Buddhist Studies at UC Berkeley, rather than to the Shinjo Ito Fellowship in Buddhist Studies.

Selection Criteria:

Finalists will be selected on the basis of overall academic excellence, promise of future academic achievement, and the viability of their proposed research projects. Selected Postdoctoral Fellows are expected to carry out their proposed individual research projects while taking full advantage of Berkeley’s robust Buddhist studies program. This includes participating in graduate seminars, workshops, conferences, talks, and so on. Candidates can be of any citizenship or nationality.

Applicants should submit the following materials:

  1. Curriculum vitae, listing degrees, any publications, and teaching experience
  2. Graduate school transcripts
  3. A personal statement of no more than 2000 words outlining previous research (including dissertation), the research the applicant will undertake during the term of the fellowship, future professional goals, as well as any other information deemed relevant to the application
  4. A writing sample
  5. A two- to four-page statement of teaching interests, along with two brief course proposals (with optional syllabi) of courses they propose to teach for the Group in Buddhist Studies (Note: UC Berkeley courses normally meet a total of three or four hours per week throughout a fourteen-week semester)
  6. Candidates who do not yet hold a Ph.D. but expect to by June 30, 2019, should supply a letter from their home institution confirming their schedule to completion.
  7. Applicants should request three letters of recommendation.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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