Call for Applications - USAID-Funded Armenia Integrity Project (AIP) Grants to Support Civil Society and Media Initiatives on Anti-Corruption and Integrity Issues

Publish Date: Dec 28, 2021

Deadline: Aug 31, 2022


Grant program to support civil society and media initiatives on anti-corruption and integrity issues 

Funding Opportunity Title:

Armenia Integrity Grants

Announcement Type:

Annual Program Statement

Funding Opportunity Number:


Issuance Date:

December 15, 2021

Questions for First Round of Evaluations Due By:

Questions are accepted on a rolling basis

Deadline for Submission of Concept Papers:

Accepted on a rolling basis

Final Closing Date:     

December 31, 2022

Submit Concept Papers to:


The purpose of this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to solicit concept papers for grant funding from the Armenia Integrity Project (AIP) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The APS seeks applications from Armenian civil society organizations (or consortiums of organizations) such as NGOs, think tanks, educational institutions and media organizations to implement projects that mobilize society to prevent corruption, promote integrity and a zero tolerance for corruption in Armenia, generate insights into corruption prevention awareness-raising, and stimulate emergence of issue-based coalitions able to constructively advocate for effective anti-corruption measures and integrity of public institutions at the national and sub-national levels. Work with youth (ages 15 to 24), as well as empowering women and vulnerable groups to counter corruption in Armenia and act in defense of their rights are also priorities. AIP is looking for results-oriented innovative and creative ideas and approaches.


The application process includes two steps. The first step requests applicants to submit a brief concept paper. If the concept paper is initially determined to be a fit for AIP goals, then as a second step, applicants will be invited to submit a formal application for grant funding.


AIP plans to accept concept papers on a rolling basis through August 2022.


The length of the proposed project should not exceed 12 (twelve) months. AIP reserves the right to fund proposed projects in full or incrementally.


AIP will hold informational sessions for potential applicants. Interested organizations may email with the subject line “Anti-Corruption APS Interest” to sign up for notifications of upcoming informational sessions.


The issuance of this APS does not constitute an award or commitment on the part of AIP, nor does it commit AIP to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of concept papers and applications. Telephone calls regarding technical content will not be addressed.


Priorities Areas for the APS


This APS will focus on but is not limited to the following priority areas:

·         Improvement of national or regional-level regulations that address issues of corruption prevention, transparency, accountability, integrity as well as advocacy for adoption and implementation of provisions;

·         Citizen involvement in government oversight activities and in disseminating best practices of civic participation in corruption prevention activities; increased awareness of mechanisms for addressing issues of anti-corruption, transparency and integrity through existing state and non-state channels;

·         Empowerment of youth, women and vulnerable groups to counter corrupt practices;

·         Creating meaningful opportunities for regional youth to learn about anti-corruption and to be personally involved in anti-corruption monitoring processes and public resource oversight.

·         Tracking societal dynamics of corruption, corruption prevention, attitudes and drivers for action as well as tools for behavior change;

·         Productive interaction between the government and non-governmental sectors in preventing and addressing corruption;

·         Support for Open Government Partnership (OGP) anti-corruption and integrity related initiatives.

·         Support for progress on initiatives under Armenia’s National Anti-Corruption Action Plan under the National Anti-Corruption Strategy.

The APS is particularly interested in initiatives that are linked to activities of current AIP partner-institutions: Corruption Prevention Commission (CPC), Ministry of Justice, line ministry-specific and local self-government anti-corruption programs and support for integrity offices/ethic commissions and marz-level anticorruption programs and support for integrity offices/ethics commissions.


Expected results for the APS


It is expected that initiatives supported through this APS will contribute to the following higher-level results:


·         Outreach on anti-corruption reforms and successes improved;

·         Engagement of citizens in promotion of integrity and in the fight against corruption increased;

·         Public understanding of corruption and its costs increased;

·         Youth increasingly reject corruption as a social norm.

Section I- Award Information

A.   Estimated Funding Levels

Grant sizes are typically expected to range from between $10,000 and $50,000 for a performance period of up to 12 (twelve) months, though grant sizes may vary depending on scale and scope. AIP may choose to fully fund or incrementally fund the selected application(s). The number of awards and amount of available funding is subject to change.

B.   Anticipated Start Date of Awards and Performance Period

AIP anticipates the start date upon award with a performance period of up 12 (twelve) months.

C.   Award Type

The following types of grants will be considered for award under this APS: (1) funds are disbursed based on specified “milestones” or deliverables (FAA – Fixed Amount Awards) (2) Cost Reimbursable Grant (Simplified or Standard Grant), (3) direct procurement and provision of materials/equipment and/or services (In-Kind Grant); or (4) a hybrid of two grant types, such as a Fixed Amount Award with an in-kind portion.

Section II- Eligibility Information

A.   Types of Entities that May Apply

The applicant/application must be officially registered in Armenia and working in compliance with all applicable civil and fiscal regulations, including, but not limited to pertinent local laws and status. In lieu of official registration, a grantee may show proof of effort to secure registration, exemption from registration, or show cause why such registration is either not optional or practical. Armenian organizations (and consortiums of organizations) such as not-for-profit civil society organizations, civic unions, volunteer organizations, charitable foundations, think tanks, academic institutions as well as media outlets are encouraged to apply.

AIP strongly encourages applications from new potential partners.

Section III- Application and Submission Information

A.    Application Process

AIP will review proposals using a two-stage process. Applicants must first submit a concept paper of no more than 5 (five) pages to AIP before submitting a full proposal. Concept papers must meet the identified needs of this solicitation. Please note the following:

Do not submit a full proposal unless requested by AIP. Only upon receipt of positive Program feedback on the concept paper is the applicant requested to develop a full proposal for consideration, using the criteria below.

The concept paper must be submitted in accordance with the instructions in SECTIONS IV B below.

Deadline for submitting concept papers

There is no deadline for submission of the concept papers. However, potential applicants are encouraged to submit their concept papers as soon as feasible, as applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis and concept papers received sooner may have a greater chance of being approved.

Applicants will receive feedback by email regarding their concept papers within 30 days of submission. No phone-calls please.

B.   Concept Paper

In the first stage, all interested applicants are required to submit a short technical concept paper no longer than 5 pages that is specific, complete, and concise.

The concept paper file should be submitted in PDF format or be archived as *.zip or *.rar and not be password-protected. The applicants should submit their concept papers by e-mail to with the subject line: Anti-Corruption APS.

Concept papers sent through means different from the one described above will not be considered.

Concept Paper Instructions

The concept paper must be submitted in Arial 11 pt. font and must include page numbers. Each page must be marked with the APS title and number. Concept papers may be submitted in English or Armenian.

Concept Paper should adhere to the structural format set forth below:

1-Cover Page (no more than one (1) page).  The cover page must include:

a.    the APS number and name

b.    Address of organization

c.    Type of organization (e.g., for-profit, non-profit, university, etc.);

d.    Contact point (lead contact name; relevant telephone, e-mail information);

e.    Names of other organizations (federal and non-federal as well as any other USAID offices) to whom you are submitting and/or have submitted the application and/or who are funding the proposed activity; and

f.     Signature of authorized representative of the applicant.

2-Technical approach (no more than 2 (two) pages): This section should address the program summary and selected objectives from Section I of this document and should include:

a.    Concise title and objectives of proposed project;

b.    Discussion of the problems to be resolved by the project and/or needs to be met, the target groups and beneficiaries, sustainability prerequisites, the approach, the level of effort to be employed, the main activities and anticipated result, and how the work will help accomplish the AIP objectives; and

c.    Type of support the applicant requests from the AIP (e.g., funds, facilities, equipment, materials, personnel resources, etc.).

3-Supporting information (no more than 2 (two) pages):

Proposed total estimated cost; Brief cost breakdown (e.g., salaries, travel, etc.); proposed optional amount of the applicant’s financial as well as in-kind participation if applicable; proposed duration of the activity; and brief description of applicant’s, as well as prospective or existing partner(s)’s previous work or experience.

AIP will contact selected applicants to request a full proposal based on the information provided in the concept paper.

C.   Full Application Process

If a concept paper is approved, the AIP will contact applicants and provide instructions and templates to complete an application.

Do not submit a full proposal unless requested by AIP. Only upon receipt of positive feedback on the concept paper is the applicant requested to put together a full proposal for Program consideration, based on instructions provided by the Program.

Section IV – Concept Paper Review Information

A.   Evaluation Criteria for Concept Paper

Concept papers will be reviewed in terms of responsiveness to the APS, appropriateness of subject matter, and creativeness. Applicants must demonstrate how their proposed work will contribute to reaching the program objectives described in Section I above. AIP is looking for results-oriented innovative ideas and approaches.

Evaluation Criteria:

Submitted concepts will be evaluated as follows:

1.    Technical merit 50 points

a.    Presentation of the issue and justification of needs

b.      Relevance to program goals and coherence (the consistency between the goal of the project and project activities)

c.    Feasibility of expected outcomes

2.    Past performance and Organization’s Capacity - 20 points

a.    Mission and goals of the Organization

b.    Experience of the organization in the specified sector

c.    Experience of the proposed project staff

4.    Cost-reasonableness and sustainability - 30 points

a. Feasibility and justification of proposed budget

Section V- Project Contacts

The point of contact for this APS and any questions during the APS process is:

Manushak Alaverdyan, Grants and Subcontracts Manager, Armenia Integrity Project,

Any prospective applicant desiring an explanation or interpretation of this APS must request it in writing by the date listed on the cover letter to allow a reply to reach all prospective applicants before the submission of their applications. Oral explanations or instructions given before award of a grant will not be binding. Any information given to a prospective applicant concerning this APS will be furnished promptly to all other prospective applicants as an amendment of this APS, if that information is necessary in submitting applications or if the lack of it would be prejudicial to any other prospective applicants.

Section VII - Other Information

Issuance of this APS does not constitute an award or commitment on the part of Dexis, nor does it commit the AIP to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an application.

Dexis reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted. Further, Dexis reserves the right to make no awards as a result of this APS. 

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