True Story Award - Erzählte Welt. Reportagen Festival, 30 August - 1 September 2020, Switzerland

Publish Date: Jan 20, 2020

Deadline: Jan 24, 2020

Event Dates: from Aug 30, 2020 12:00 to Aug 31, 2020 12:00

Call for submissions for the True Story Award 2020/21

The True Story Award, the first global prize for print and online reporting, is accepting entries for its second edition. Articles, in 12 languages and published in 2019, can be submitted no later than 24 January 2020.

The True Story Award 2020/21, which launches today, provides recognition for exceptional written reports in all countries, in 12 of the world’s most widely used languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, Russian, Persian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese). It commends articles for excellence in research, reporting and relevance to society.

The prize should encourage and support the work of journalists the world over. In many places, the loss of pluralistic and independent reporting impairs freedom of speech. This is why courageous journalists and their investigative reporting combined with compelling storytelling is so important in all societies and countries. The True Story Award was created for them. Fifty jurors from 29 countries will review all submissions and nominate a total of 42 reporters for their work.

These journalists will be invited to the award ceremony, which will take place as part of the second Reportagen Festival Bern in spring 2021.

The True Story Award 2019 went to the Russian reporter Shura Burtin. Second and third prizes went to Mark Arax (USA) and Du Qiang (China). All winning articles and nominees can be found here.

The True Story Award is organized and carried out by the True Story Foundation, in close cooperation with the Reportagen Festival Bern.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

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