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Emory University Senior Fellowship Program 2019/20, USA

Publish Date: Dec 06, 2018

Deadline: Jan 30, 2019

The Bill and Carol Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry announces up to four annual internal Fellowships available to tenured members of the Emory University faculty for an academic year of study and residence in the Center.  FCHI Senior Fellows will be released from their University teaching and service commitments for the academic year, in addition to receiving a research budget from the Center. 

The purpose of the FCHI Senior Fellows Program is to stimulate and support humanistic research by providing faculty with the necessary time, space, and other resources. An essential feature of the Senior Fellows Program is the expectation that Fellows make intellectual contributions not only within the Center, but, more widely, to humanistic studies at Emory.


The FCHI Senior Fellows Program is designed to offer research opportunities both to members of humanities departments as traditionally defined and to other scholars working with humanistic issues. Research projects must be humanistic, but Fellows may hold an appointment in any Department or Program of the Emory College of Arts and Sciences. Especially appropriate are applicants whose research is likely to contribute to intellectual exchange among a diverse group of scholars within the disciplines of the humanities. Because the FCHI is a residential center, its intellectual life depends on collegial interaction. Fellows will be expected to be in residence full-time during both terms of the regular academic year and to take an active part in the life of the FCHI, as well as in the intellectual life of the larger University. Currently the Senior Fellows Program is limited to faculty who are already tenured at Emory. Previous funding or released time for a related project may be taken into consideration when the application is reviewed. Faculty members who hold FCHI Senior Fellowships are required to return to their University positions for the year immediately following their Fellowships.


Applications will be judged by external and internal academic evaluators on the promise and significance of the proposed research project, in relation to the applicant’s own work and that of other scholars; the intellectual distinction of the applicant’s previous work; and the applicant’s ability to engage in collegial interactions that will substantively contribute to the FCHI, the College, and the University. Evaluators will look for applicants and projects that will benefit from and contribute to the interdisciplinary work of the group of Fellows and the mission of the FCHI. Evaluators will also seek variety and balance among the disciplines represented at the Center.


Upon notification of receiving an FCHI Senior Fellowship Program Award, faculty members must agree to: conduct research in residence full-time at the FCHI for the academic year; take full responsibility for contributing to and maintaining an environment conducive to academic research while at the Center; submit a final report of progress at the end of the Fellowship; acknowledge the FCHI in all work resulting from research and writing done during the Fellowship; fulfill the Public Intellectual Contribution requirement; attend all Fellows’ lunches, lectures, and programs sponsored by the FCHI during their terms of residence; immediately notify the FCHI of any other support or of any conflicts with the restrictions and conditions of this Fellowship Program; for three years following the Fellowship, provide written reports Senior Fellows Program 2019 - 2020 THE BILL AND CAROL FOX CENTER FOR HUMANISTIC INQUIRY EMORY UNIVERSITY to the Director of the FCHI detailing how their teaching and research has been influenced by the time spent during the Fellowship; and return to their Emory University positions for the year immediately following their Fellowship.

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This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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