University of Wisconsin-Madison UW System Fellowship 2019-2020, USA

Publish Date: Aug 13, 2018

Deadline: Mar 01, 2019

Institute for Research in the Humanities University of Wisconsin-Madison UW System Fellowship

Call for Applications 2019-2020

The Institute offers up to four fellowships each year to faculty at University of Wisconsin System campuses. Fellowships may be for one or two semesters and may continue through the summer on a non-stipendiary basis. However, the fellowship start date may not be deferred for any reason. Funding comes from a combination of sources: the home institution, UW System grant fund allocations to the home institution, and UW-Madison's contribution of about $5,000 per fellow to each home institution. The Institute also provides office space for faculty in residence in Madison or commuting to Madison on a regular basis (space permitting), support services, and accessto all university facilities.

UW System Fellows are expected to participate in the intellectual life of the Institute by attending the weekly Monday afternoon seminars (3:30-5:00 PM). They are also invited to present their work at one of the seminars, schedule permitting. Monday seminars are followed by an informal Tuesday lunch discussion (Noon-1:00 PM), for those who are able to participate. Fellows are also encouraged to join the informal daily lunches at the Institute, as well as to attend other Institute events, as time and interest permit. Please consult the Institute's website ( for information about other Institute fellowships and activities.

Applicants should arrange funding for the fellowship through their home institution before submitting an application to the Institute.

Required Application Materials

• Online Application Form. (Link available late summer on IRH website.)

• Project Proposal, up to 1,500 words (about 5 double-spaced pages of 12-point font). The proposal should addressthe significance of the project, how it will be accomplished, and the specific work plan for the period of the grant. Clearly state the intended product of your research. For book projects, an outline of chapters is highly recommended. For revisions of dissertations, substantive change is expected; explain how the book will differ from thedissertation.

• Project Bibliography, publications (not your own) relevant to the project, up to 2 pages.

• Curriculum Vitae, including work forthcoming and in progress.

• Letter from Home Institution (e.g., department chair) attesting to funding support for period of the grant.

• Two letters of recommendation sent directly to IRH from the letter writer (email to

Application Form and Attachments

• The online application form link can be found at The form takes between 20-45 minutes to complete and your window for completing the application will expire within 24 hours; please have all of your documents and recommendation letter writer information ready before beginning the form (see above for list). If you need to leave and return to the application in the 24-hour period; make sure to use the same browser and computer as your previous session(s).

• You will attach all required application materials(proposal, bibliography, CV, letter) to your online applicationform. (Make sure all required attachments are separate PDF files.)

• Attached files should be labeled using the following naming format: UWSystem.2019-2020.LastName_FirstName.Proposal.pdf UWSystem.2019-2020.LastName_FirstName.Bibliography.pdf UWSystem.2019-2020.LastName_FirstName.CV.pdf UWSystem.2019-2020.LastName_FirstName.Funding_Letter.pdf

(If you have trouble uploading files when submitting the application form, email for assistance. For your email subject line, please use the following format: UWSystem.2019-2020.Last Name_First Name.)

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