Visiting Researcher at the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study 2018, Japan

Publish Date: Apr 11, 2018

Deadline: May 15, 2018

Recruitment Information for Visiting Researcher 

The Waseda Institute for Advanced Study is committed to promoting the university-wide acceptance of leading researchers from other countries as well as to facilitating the production of research results, scholarly exchange with researchers at Waseda, and other such outcomes. For this purpose, the Institute invites as Visiting Researcher recognized researchers who are doing work at the cutting edge of their fields.

Recruitment Fields

Fields corresponding to Humanities, Social Science, Natural Science, and Interdisciplinary Research

Number of Positions

Several positions

Appointment Status

Visiting Senior Researcher or Visiting Researcher (To sign an Engagement Agreement with the university)

Period of Appointment

Appointments are as a rule for a period of 1 month (31days), starting between October 1,2018 and September 30, 2019
Stay during the term of classes (April-July or October-January) is preferable.
Next Recruitment for Visiting Researchers appointed after April 1, 2019 will be announced around July, 2018.

Application Qualifications

In principle, researchers who satisfy conditions (1) to (5) below:

  1. They are tenured researchers (equivalent to a professor or associate professor) at their home institutions abroad.
  2. They have received the recommendation of a tenured faculty from Waseda University. The recommender is responsible for the collaborative research activities of this Visiting Researcher at Waseda University.
  3. They have to have remarkable research achievements at an international level.
  4. Their research topics should preferably be related to research projects or activities being carried on at Waseda University.
  5. It is desirable that they had never been employed by Waseda University in the past.


  1. Visiting Researchers should participate in research and education seminars and other activities organized or co-organized by the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study.
  2. Visiting Researchers should preferably submit papers to international scholarly journals presenting results of research performed during the period of appointment. The papers should clearly state that those results were obtained while the author was in residence at the Institute.
  3. Visiting Researchers should engage in joint research with researchers who belong to Waseda University.
  4. Visiting Researchers should provide advice and guidance to young researchers including graduate students in Waseda University.
  5.  Other duties will be determined in prior consultation with the Director of the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study where necessary.


  1. Remuneration for the fulfillment of duties by the Visiting Researcher (in accordance with Institute regulations)
  2. Accommodations will be provided (in accordance with Institute regulations)
  3. Office space will be provided (in Building No. 9, Waseda University)

Application Procedures

Please submit the following documents using the form provided to the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study by e-mail.

  1. Application
  2. Curriculum vitae
  3. Seminar Plan
  4. Letter of Recommendation from Waseda University tenured faculty

Submitted documents will not be used for any other purpose than screening applicants. Application materials will not be returned. Please submit application documents by Tuesday, May 15, 2018 17:00 (Japan time).

Address for Submission of Application Documents

Waseda Institute for Advanced Study
Researcher Employment: Visiting Researchers

Selection Schedule

  1. Documentary screening : May and June 2018
  2. Notification of Results : July 2018. Applicants and recommenders will be notified of selection results by e-mail.
  3. Orientation meeting with the recommender in item 9 (4), above. : In or after August 2018

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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