Research Grant 2018, Japan

Publish Date: Apr 09, 2018

Deadline: May 10, 2018

Research Grant 2018

Areas of Research

Research activities in the areas of humanities and social science which are expected to contribute to achieving the goal of the Foundation, by

  • promoting "international understanding" by solving various issues which exist between Japan and other nations
  • promoting "coexistence of nature and mankind"

The research is required to have a global perspective and be based on high social and academic demand. Pioneering researchers based on creative ideas are highly welcome.

(Ineligible Researches)

  • Researchers aimed at making profit
  • Researchers which are actually considered to be completed.
  • Researchers which require a huge amount of research expenses
  • Researchers whose period is less than 6 months in the grant period


  • Students in doctoral course and researchers within five years after finishing the doctoral course, who have not received grants from the foundation in the past. (Eligibility is judged by your position at the time of application)
  • There are no restrictions concerning nationality, organizations you belong to, or areas of residence.

Number of Grant Recipients

Around 50 students/researchers

Amount of Grants

  • The maximum amount of grant per student/researcher is 500,000 yen.
  • The amount of each grant will be assessed by the content of each research project and the rationality of its budget.

Term of Grants

The term of grants shall be one year from October 1, 2018, to September 30, 2019.

Use of Grants

  • Grants are to be used for necessary expenses in carrying out and putting research plans in order, and expenses shall be itemized in accordance with the List of Items of Expenditures in a separate page. The applied amount and the itemized budget should always match with each other.
  • Expenses required for printing reports, issuing publications, holding symposiums and attending overseas academic conferences for the purpose of opening the results of the research to the public shall not be included in the grants.

Main Duties of the Recipients and Others

  • The recipients of the grants shall submit a pledge to the Foundation at the start of the program and report on the process, results and accounts of research upon completion. When the valid reports are not submitted within 6 months after the grants period, we request the recipients to return all the grants they had received.
  • In case the expense exceeds 10,000 yen, receipts should be attached to the financial report. Receipts for expenses less than 10,000 yen shall be saved by the end of the grant period in case that the Foundation request to submit.
  • Surplus must be returned to the Foundation.
  • Please take note in advance that the process and results of the research will be made public through the website of the Foundation.

Screening Method

The careful and fair screening will be conducted by the screening committee in mid-July, 2018.

Notice of the result

The results will be informed to the applicants by e-mail by the beginning of August 2018. Please understand that the Foundation will not respond to any inquiries regarding the reasons for the results.

Criteria for Screening

In screening, the focus will be on researchers in the areas of humanities and social science which meet the following criteria:

  1. Research which is in line with the objectives and activities of the Foundation,
  2. Research which has high social and academic importance
  3. Research which is creative and pioneering
  4. Research which will be carried out by highly motivated and competent researchers and with excellent research plans and setups
  5. Research with rational and appropriate budget plan.

How to apply

  1. Fill in the application document
  2. Prepare a letter of recommendation
  3. Acquire a ""Reference Number"" by registering your application through the following website:
  4. Fill in your Reference Number in the specified section of the application form.(Application forms without Reference Number is INVALID.)
  5. After filling in, convert the Application forms from xls file to pdf file. Also, convert the letter of recommendation to pdf or jpg file after printing out and getting signature or seal of the recommender. Make sure that all the documents are in "A4" format. (Documents in "Letter" format are not acceptable.)
  6. Upload application form and letter of recommendation through the following website:  https://matsushita-konosuke

"Application" and "Recommendation" documents should be uploaded at the same time. In case the recommender prefers to send directly to the Foundation, "Recommendation" letter can be sent by email or by post. In that case, upload a dummy file instead of Recommendation letter and inform the Foundation by email.

  • The language used for filling in the application form should be either Japanese or English.
  • Please use PC (Excel) to fill in the form.
  • The size of the font to be used to fill in No.2, 3, 4, 5 of the Application forms should be larger than 10.5 points.


  • Adding pages or attaching materials to the application forms is not accepted.
  • Also, use of the formats other than those specified, or use of letters in extremely small font size is not accepted.
  • Application forms should be in A-4 size. Documents whose contents are not shown properly when printed out in A-4 size will be INVALID. Those who usually use Letter size pay special attention to this matter.
  • Incomplete application forms could be excluded from the screening process without notice.
  • The application process will be carried out only once a year.

The following expenses are not accepted

  • Personnel and living expenses and tuition fee of a researcher
  • General operating expenses required for managing research organizations
  • Expenses required for printing reports, issuing publications, holding symposiums and attending overseas academic conferences
  • Equipment and fixture expenses including personal computers, photo equipment, visual equipment, copying equipment and printing equipment

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.


This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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