Fully Funded Program - Agripreneurs Creating Tomorrow 2017, Armenia

Publish Date: Oct 19, 2017

Deadline: Nov 10, 2017

Agripreneurs Creating Tomorrow (ACT)

Project description: Are you 20-35, live in Armenia and want to establish your own agribusiness but don’t know where to start? Then this program is for you. Agripreneurs Creating Tomorrow (ACT) aims to provide practical, hands-on training to young Armenians who have a business idea in the areas of agriculture, eco and agri-tourism, food and wine, but don’t have the right skills, experience or knowledge. The project is sponsored by the United States Department of State, and thus the entire program is FREE of charge.

Successful applicants will participate in a seven-month-long practical training, gaining the necessary skills and knowledge to establish their businesses. Program participants will be required to participate in 1-2 mandatory training sessions every week throughout the project duration and complete assignments. By the end of the program, participants will have their business plans complete and ready for finding funding and starting their businesses.

Opening date:  October 11, 2017

Application deadline: November 10, 2017

Application results and interview invitations: By November 20, 2017

Program duration: December 2017 - June 2018

Training frequency

1-2 mandatory coaching sessions each week supplemented by optional trips to existing agribusinesses, networking opportunities with representatives of private, public, and NGO representatives, and other events.

Topics covered and expected skills learned: business idea generation, idea valuation, legal entity registration, tax legislation, market study, human resources, product marketing, funding opportunities, business plan writing.

Language of instruction: mandatory sessions will be in Armenian, some of the optional sessions may be in English.

Expected outcomes: complete business plans ready to attract funding/established businesses; Certificate of attendance upon successful completion of the program.

Number of participants: 30-35

Application Criteria: Successful candidate should be

  • Aged between 20-35

  • Proficient in Armenian (English language proficiency is not mandatory, but preferred)

  • Have business idea in the field of agriculture, ecotourism/agritourism, food or wine

  • Available and willing to participate in all mandatory training sessions and complete assignments

  • Goal-oriented, punctual, responsible and full of enthusiasm

  • Be a university student or a graduate of no more than two years, preferably in business, economics, agriculture, horticulture, social sciences, and related fields.

Application form: https://goo.gl/forms/FzogLQUPzUtFRsA52

Feel free to contact us at actarmpro@gmail.com. For project updates and further information, please visit our official Facebook page, Agripreneurs Creating Tomorrow: https://www.facebook.com/actarmenia/

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