Shirvan, Arran, and Azerbaijan: Historical-Cultural Retrospective, 1-2 Nov, 2013, Yerevan, Armenia

Publish Date: Apr 22, 2013

Event Dates: from Nov 01, 2013 12:00 to Nov 02, 2013 12:00

Department of Iranian Studies, Yerevan State University
and Caucasian Centre for Iranian Studies, Yerevan
Organize the International Conference

“Shirvan, Arran, and Azerbaijan: Historical-Cultural Retrospective”

Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Enayatollah Reza

Historical Shirvan, Arran, and Azerbaijan constitute an important contact zone, one of the marked areas of the South Caspian region, having concatenated the Iranian and Caucasian worlds. A multi-ethnic region with its archaic heritage and interpenetrating cultural traditions, has always preserved its geopolitical significance. It is obvious that a number of present-day problems are the results of contradictions of the past and in no way connected with the historical oppositions of autochthonous traditional cultures. An objective retrospective outlook over the history of the region, analysis of its prosperous eras and periods of peaceful coexistence of various ethnic and religious groups, could promote an intercultural dialogue and development of integration strategy.

Scholars and postgraduate students are invited to submit papers and panel proposals related to all aspects of history of the region, culture, linguistics, literature, religion, archaeology, as well as current political issues.

The Conference will be held on November 1-2, 2013, in Yerevan, Armenia.
The working languages of the Conference are English and Russian.

Abstracts (not exceeding 500 words) are to be emailed by July 15, 2013 to:

Dr. Khachik Gevorgian

A brief CV, including contact details is to be included in the message.

A notification about acceptance of the abstracts will be sent by Aug 15, 2013.

The scheduled time for each paper is 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion.

The organizers will most probably offer a limited number of grants for participants from the Caucasian region, but will not be able to provide financial assistance to cover travel and accommodation costs for all those whose abstracts are accepted.  Participants will receive an official letter of invitation upon request.

You will be informed about further details – conference venue and near-by hotels, registration fee, cultural programme,  meals, etc. – in the 2nd circular letter, after the acceptance notification.

Book  Exhibition
Publishers and individuals are invited to present their books during the days of the conference. A special place in the conference building will be provided for this exhibition. For more information please contact the organizers.

 For any further information do not hesitate to contact:

Dr. Khachik Gevorgyan,
Secretary of the Organising Committee

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