PhD Scholarships at the Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark

Publish Date: Apr 11, 2013

Deadline: May 01, 2013

PhD Scholarships at the Department of Political Science and Public Management

The Department of Political Science and Public Management at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense offers a number of PhD scholarships as of September 1, 2013 or as agreed. The fellowship carries a 45,000 euros yearly salary (5+3) plus office facilities and financial support for conference travels and overseas research visits. The PhD programme at the department covers:

• Political science

• Journalism studies

Researchers at the department have over the years been extremely successful in attracting large research grants, they publish regularly in influential scholarly journals, and appear frequently in the public debate.

Applications are invited from candidates with a Master’s Degree. Also, candidates who, in addition to their BSc, have passed the first year of their Master’s programme are invited to apply for a PhD scholarship within the 4+4 programme. As a part of the scholarship, an individual PhD programme must be followed covering PhD courses, seminars, and active participation in conferences and workshops. The PhD student is also expected to obtain teaching experience. As a part of the PhD programme, the PhD student is, furthermore, expected to make an extended visit to a research institution abroad for a semester or more. We also encourage PhD students to attend international conferences and summer schools.

Applicants must fill in the application form available on our web page under the section “Application forms for enrolment”. The “PhD grant (3 years)” is the ordinary PhD programme for applicants who have earned their Master’s degree. The “4+4 PhD programme” is intended for students who have obtained their BSc and passed the first year of their Master’s programme but not yet obtained their Master’s degree. This scholarship runs for a period of four years. During the first two years you will be enrolled in the PhD programme and the Master’s programme. After obtaining the Master’s Degree, you will automatically be enrolled in the ordinary PhD programme.

Here: ( you will also find guidelines for preparing your project proposal within the PhD programme in Political Science/Journalism. Successful project proposals are in particular characterized by raising an original research question, innovative theoretical ideas, and methodological strength. The project description cannot exceed 5 pages. In addition to the full project description, an abstract of no more than 250 words must be included. For the application to be valid, you will also have to submit a certified copy of your Master’s degree certificate including examination results, detailed CV, project description, and information on, for example, teaching experience, and a list of publications, if relevant. All non-Danish documents must be translated into English and certified. Certificates for national exams based on a national grade system should be associated by a document that translates the national grade system into the European Credit Transfer System.

For further information about the PhD programme, please contact the director of PhD programme Professor with special responsibilities Michael Baggesen Klitgaard, tel. +45 65502089, e-mail Information about the PhD programme at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark is available at:

The employment as a salaried PhD research fellow is governed by the agreement of October1, 2008 on Graduate Employees in Government, appendix 5 – protocol on PhD Research Fellows.

The application should include the following:
1. Application form
2. A detailed curriculum vitae
3. A certified copy of Master’s degree certificate incl. examination results (5+3 applicants) OR a certified copy of your BSc degree certificate including examination results (4+4 applicants)
4. A project description (max 5 pages)
5. An abstract (max 250 words) of the project description mentioned under point 4
• The abstract must clearly state the research area, objectives and methods of the project
6. Information on teaching experience or other forms of knowledge communication and
7. A list of publications, if relevant

Certificates for national exams based on a national grade system should be associated by a document that translates the national grade system into the European Credit Transfer System. For further information please click here (

All non-Danish documents must be translated into English.
Applications will be assessed by a committee. When the evaluation committee has submitted its report, the applicant will receive the part of the evaluation that concerns him/her.

Applications that are incomplete with regard to the above requirements will not be assessed by the committee.
With a view to promoting equal opportunities in academic positions, the University encourages all interested persons to apply, regardless of age, gender, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, or ethnic background.
Applications must be submitted electronically using the link below. Uploaded files must be in Adobe PDF (unlocked) or Word format.
Each field can only contain a single file of max. 10 Mb.


Application deadline:

Apply Online here

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