Scholarship / Financial aid: travel and/or housing expenses covered
Open to: graduate students and postdoctoral researchers
The two-week long Summer School and Conference of the Contact and Symplectic Topology (CAST) network will be held July 9-20, 2012, at the Renyi Institute of Mathematics in Budapest. There will be four lecture series in contact, symplectic and low dimensional topology given by:
• Michael Hutchings , UC Berkeley, USA
• Lenny Ng, Duke University, USA
• Robert Lipschitz, Columbia University, USA
• Kai Cieliebak, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Germany
The lecture series will be complemented by research talks, including the invited speakers:
•Mohammed Abouzaid (MIT, USA)
•Denis Auroux (UC Berkeley, USA)
•Frederic Bourgeois (Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
•Vincent Colin (Universite de Nantes, France)
•Catagay Cutluhan (Harvard University, USA)
•Tobias Ekholm (Uppsala University, Sweden)
•Ko Honda (USC, USA)
•Andras Juhasz (Cambridge University, UK)
•Yanki Lekili (Cambridge University, UK)
•Paolo Lisca (Universita di Pisa, Italy)
•Tom Mrowka (MIT, USA)
•Klaus Niederkruger (Universite de Toulouse, France)
•Jake Rasmussen (Cambridge University, UK)
•Peter Ozsvath (Princeton University, USA)
•Ivan Smith (Cambridge University, UK)
•Zoltan Szabo (Princeton University, USA)
Financial Support:
A limited amount of support covering travel and/or housing expenses for participants will be provided for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers (within 5 years of receiving PhD).
Applications for support should contain
• a short CV,
• a list of publication and thesis title (only for postdoctoral researchers),
• and a letter of recommendation from the thesis advisor (only for graduate students).
The application should be e-mailed to by March 15, 2012. In case of any further questions please contact Andras Stipsicz ( ).